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Brazilian amphibious assault ship helicopter A140 Atlantico (former British Ocean) left Plymouth and went to Brazil with stops in Lisbon

Trophies of the Syrian army in Deraa: UAV Skylark three Israeli production disassembled on one of the IG warehouses

During the tests, the railgun TUFAN development of the Turkish company Aselsan, It managed to disperse the disc up to speed 3000 m / s. Video tests can be viewed at the link:

A good analysis of the anti-terrorist operation of the Egyptian army in Sinai

And today, the Syrian army completely took control of the province of Quneitra

Today, all are actively discussing the news of the failure of Russian fighters Park in Malaysian Air Force. And just 7 July, Defense Minister Mohammad Sabu it flew. Probably because the four serviceable

Indonesians have always been famous for an original approach to technology. for example, We developed this armored boat catamaran with a 105 mm cannon in the tower Cockerill XC-8. Tests should end in 2019 year

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