military experts
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extracts from the novel Baranets moaning about the woman he loved and the roar of rocket engines. "No no, Subject is not impotent…»

In the structure of the Pakistani state of Punjab Police created a special unit for the physical protection of foreigners, working on infrastructure projects. We are primarily talking about the Chinese

Turks clearly decided not to show an olive branch to the United States

Following July Turkish exports of weapons and aircraft equipment rose 38%. Export of boats and yachts has increased by 64%. Overall exports rose 11%.

Gifts from Pakistan: fighter F-86 and Mirage IIIEP Sabre Pakistan Air Force in Beijing Aviation Museum

good joke))

Quite an original way to reduce the visibility of the artillery system: 57-C-mm anti-aircraft gun 60 in a dump truck. it Syria…

"Open air museum" of the Iraqi army. From left to right: MT-LB with a "booth", T-55, UAZ-469, BRDM-2 and another MT-LB

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