This Agreement governs your use of this user's content, and site services (hereinafter - the "Site").
1.General terms
1.1. The use of materials and services of the Site is governed by the norms of the Russian legislation.
1.2. This Agreement is a public offer. Getting access to the users of the site is considered to have acceded to this Agreement.
1.3. Site Administration has the right at any time to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement. These changes will take effect after 3 (three) days after posting the new version of the Agreement on the website. When the user does not consent to such modifications, he is obliged to refuse access to the Site, discontinue the use of materials and services of the Site.
1.4. - news, thematic platforms. All materials on this website are taken from open sources - have a back link to material on the Internet or sent by visitors of the site and are provided solely for informational purposes. If the user has any questions or objections regarding published material, please write administrator –
2. obligations of the User
2.1. User agrees not to take action, which can be regarded as a violation of Russian law or international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and / or neighboring Rights, as well as any action, which cause or may cause malfunction of the Site and its services.
2.2. Use of material without the consent of the rights holders are not allowed (article 1270 RF GK). For fair use of this Site must be concluded license agreements (obtaining licenses) from the copyright holder.
2.3. When material from this site, including copyright works, Link to this site (subparagraph 1 points 1 articles 1274 RF GK).
2.4. Comments and other records of the User on the Site should not be in conflict with the requirements of Russian law and accepted norms of morality and ethics.
2.5. The user is warned about, that the administration of the Site is not responsible for visiting and using them to external resources, references that may be contained on the website.
2.6. You agree, that the Site Administration is not responsible for and has no direct or indirect liability to the User in connection with any possible or arising loss or damage, associated with any content Site, copyright registration and information about such registration, goods or services, available to or received from external sites or resources, or any other user's contacts, in which he entered, using the information posted on the website or links to external resources.
2.7. The user accepts the proposition, that all the materials and services of the Site or any portion thereof may be accompanied by advertising. You agree, that the Site Administration does not bear any responsibility and does not have any liability in connection with such advertisements.
3. Other conditions
3.1. All possible disputes, arising out of this Agreement or related to, shall be settled in accordance with the current legislation of Russian Federation.
3.2. Nothing in the Agreement shall be understood as the establishment between the User and Site Administration agency relationship, partnership relations, relations on joint activities, hiring a personal relationship, or any other relationship, not expressly provided for by the Agreement.
3.3. Recognition by the court of any provision of the Agreement invalid or not enforceable does not entail invalidation of other provisions of the Agreement.
3.4. Inaction on the part of the Administration of the Site in the event of violation of any of the Members of the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive the administration of the site the right to take appropriate action later in defense of their interests and the protection of copyright protected under the laws of materials on the Site.
Extremist and terrorist organizations, prohibited in the Russian Federation: "Right sector", "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (oup), 'IGIL' (IG, The Islamic State of), Djabhat Fath al-Sham ' (former "Dzhabhat en-Nusra", «Dzhebhat en-Nusrat»), National Bolshevik Party, "Al-Qaeda", "UNA-UNSO", «NGOs», "RNE", "Taliban", "Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people", "Jehovah witnesses". A complete list of organizations, in respect of which the court accepted came into force, a decision on liquidation or prohibition of activities, It is online RF Ministry of Justice
the user confirms, that he is familiar with all the clauses of this Agreement and accepts them unconditionally.
*Administrator's opinion “SOLDIER PRO”, may not coincide with the point of view of the authors of publications