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Tu-22M3 with the X-32 rocket, back view

The signed contracts and expected base patrol aircraft Boeing P-8A Poseidon

voices of slander, what from 28 fighters of Russian production in Malaysian Air Force (18 Su-30MKM and 10 MiG-29H) in good condition, only four Su-30MKM, while the remaining machines are repaired

Interesting leaflets calling to do the service in Pakistan Navy

allegedly, in Afrin already established their own police, and this is not part of the Free Syrian Army, and "independent" structure

It turned out, за кораблями второй морской постоянной группы НАТО (Standing NATO Maritime Group 2, SNMG2) в Черном море присматривает разведывательный корабль «Экватор» и истребители Су-30СМ

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