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Preparing for action reconnaissance behind enemy lines


The first principle: without regard, medical, topographic support, Weather forecast and interaction of the base gates do not go out.

Second: go for a day – take a week. Do not take it, that can be useful, read this, what you can't do without.

The third: cartridges does not happen much. This is where the problems begin – what to take and how much, how to carry away the necessary, so much so, to the soldiers after the transition, and to think more could, and be active.

From weapons it is best to take 7.62-mm AKMS with GP and PKM due to the greater penetration of obstacles and the absence of ricochets from branches. If there is no way to get AKMS, looking for an AK-74 5,45×39 7N10 (purple lacquer sealer) or 7N24 (black color of the bullet tip), as more suited for firing in the forest. It is necessary to have several vending machines with night optics. In addition to the search and automatic numbering group intelligence 15-20 persons for actions in forested mountainous terrain, it is desirable to have a:

PB or APB -2
SVD (SVU) -1
RPG-7 -2
PTP -3

tape, inserted in a PC receiver, invest in RD-54, using fanerki as spacers knapsack walls. Fits 300 – 350 cartridges immediately ready for battle. Assistant gunner is not needed, system weight about 19 kilograms. Better to take a grenade F-1 and RHS, as powerful givers, piercing thickets fragments. Try to use POMZ-2 (1275g) with UZRGM (41 g) instead of MUV-2, – tremendous effect. Use parachute rubber bands to quickly attach the guy wires to local items (8g).

Assign responsibilities within the division. Everyone should have their own responsibilities in addition to the main military specialty.

for example: porters heavy weapons, abnormal gunsmith, Minesweeper, medic, pathfinder (taiga men or among hunters, proficient in the art of reading footprints and knowledge of the forest), cook, who knows how to compose something edible from barley and local herbs. Earn, so that the entire first aid kit, cordage, harnesses, smoke and other items worn uniformly. This will facilitate communication and save time, for example in the provision of aid and the evacuation of the wounded from under fire. Remember, that the patrol must move lightly, without property, but with maximum firepower in case of sudden collision with the enemy.

Along with the clarification of goals and dedication advance directives to prepare for the exit start making a list of needed items and revision of weight equipment.

– Mandatory waterproof compasses and watches, best electronic, they are more accurate and do not require the plant and, usually, there is a backlight. When installing minutes using streamers of colored fishing line diameter 0,5-0,6mm. Easier and easier, than the nominal wire NSR (Bag miner-bomber).

– It is desirable to have several flexible surgical saws in the group, they can cut wood, and it is possible to link captive, connecting loop ring from a grenade – free harder, than by handcuffs, and it weighs just saw 12 grams!

– Normal combat knives troops rarity, and the knife is needed, so collect all the bayonet knives and sharpen their group in Parma or remrote, better, if it is done by a specialist. (Sharpening do symmetric!) Established sheath better to leave, sense from them little, since weigh 0,2 and ring kg, a self-made can be made of rubber hose.

– To search for caches using the probe from the assembly of several ramrods of AGI or RMB with a sharp tip of a sharpened excess rubbing.

– Necessarily need to be in the group nylon rope diameter 8 – 10mm and length 75 -100m in order to overcome obstacles and to each soldier a 9-meter parachute line (of E-5 or E-6, SHKP called cord-150, the weight 45 g) or similar rope with a breaking load of not less than 100 – 150kg, required for the manufacture of the harness, strapping, cats, choke and even laces.

– It is desirable to have a 1-2 a pair of stockings from the UGC in them convenient to carry water, You can transfer the entire group through a water obstacle and not to wet shoes, and therefore, avoid chafing feet. Shoes strong shoes on thick socks (have a clean cloth to spare footcloths, in case of need will like dressing). Forestry, especially with a rope, Keep type of bike gloves – fingerless.

– For long rest desirable to hammocks (can be used as a stretcher and a base for maskets), made of fishing net or mesh for storing vegetables (cell 15×15mm). Size folded hammock with a beer can, the weight 250 grams. Relaxing in a hammock, and not on the ground, never chill the kidneys and do not get pneumonia.

– No need to carry sleeping bags and hammocks navseh, have enough to 3/4 l / sec, as 1/4 must always be awake.

– In order to observe a must-have at least the optics 12-15 fold. Suitable half of binoculars B-12. At night, it is more convenient to watch in the BN-1 (1350 g), than NSPUM.

– To increase the communication range, use a slingshot to cast a wire antenna into trees, made of a rubber mask protivogaznoy, the optimal antenna length for a specific station and frequency must be calculated with the head of communications of the unit.

– In high-mountain, treeless areas, you can replace firewood and rub alcohol with red brick or pumice., soaked for 2-3 hours diesel.

– For camouflage and protection against mosquitoes is better to use a mask, rather grim.

– Water supply is best carried in a plastic bottle (50 g) on 1,25 l – just in the side pocket of RD-54;

– Have your own size 1 dark film ponchos to keep out the rain×1,5m (if the film is strongly rustles, then remember and boil in water for 2 -3 minutes), but 4 – 6 – 8 a raincoat is a must for making a large tent or stretcher.

– It is necessary to have a simple, inexpensive flashlights (Chinese, two “finger”, preferably with a push-button switch (40 g ).

– Do not leave the field halts and dnevok the territory, controlled opponent, tracks (butts, banks, etc.). This is not only a sign of the extreme indiscipline of the unit., but also a true chance to disrupt the operation.

Of course, It is not all. Focus on the spot, improvise. Do not hesitate to learn from. Do not postpone the picking of the property for the last hour. Uniforms and shoes must not be brand new. Better, if they are lightly worn, but clean and serviceable. Lipsheim rubbing in the group to nothing. As a result of a picky and creative approach to the selection and replacement of equipment and equipment from the proposed logistics, on the group, you can save up to 80-100 kg weight, that it will be useful in the mountains.

And last. One of the main ways to group O – ground transportation. Countless successful ambushes, set guerrillas ineptly, but who received a positive result due to incorrect actions of the l / s column. Therefore, when advancing to the operation site, maintain the maximum speed. (in all tables for RPG speed lead up to 30 kmh, move 50 – 60 kmh, and the grenade launcher will get confused in the calculations). Do not tell the world by radio, where are you and what are you doing. Use tables SUV. When driving on the armor plant people in flak jackets on top! When traveling by car, lift the tarpaulin so, that there was a gap 15 – 20 See for observation, both on the part of the contents will not be visible body. Rearrange the benches like this, so that everyone is sitting facing the sides and constantly watching the terrain. In all cases the weapons, signaling and smoke devices must be ready. Bulletproof vests or ammunition boxes, filled with sand, hang on the inner side of the bead. For protection from mines to the bottom of the body lay mattresses, filled with sand, or several ribbed sheets from the BMP (92 kg). I hope, These simple tips will be useful.



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