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awareness – is forearmed.

⚡️Pilot downed aircraft was killed.

Israel's Defense Ministry says, that the Syrian plane flew airbase T-4. When approaching the Golan Heights, he was warned several times, in several languages. Israelis also claim, the pilot did not catapulted.

MO Syria confirmed, Israel shot down a Su-22, the Syrian Air Force, which strikes on thriller igil. Pilot pre hijacked.

And it illustrates the local media

⚡️Ministerstvo Israel Defense says, that brought down a Syrian aircraft “Dry” two missiles “Petriot”, after, he flew into the airspace of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.


my little, free analysis of the forces, standing on the "industrial zone" in Avdeevka from the DNI.
On the front lines of burning a few areas. In my opinion just hotter, in all senses, on South (height "Daring", the height of the "Rare"), not quiet under bothering. But, this – the "PROMKO".

Servicemen of the Russian special forces have a moral and psychological support to militants Tahrir Hayat Sham, We are departing from the proud Nava (provintsiya Next) in Idlib.

France and Russia conducted their first joint mission to provide humanitarian assistance to the civilian population of Syria

This is the beginning of a joint project of Moscow and Paris. About him Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron agreed in spring.

⚡️Strelba in Toronto, Canada, 9 wounded, including children. Shooter pre-neutralized. According to others died 10 human.

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