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The reaction of politicians and media from different countries to the right-wing coalition coming to power in Italy is voiced

The reaction of politicians and media from different countries to the right-wing coalition coming to power in Italy is voicedItaly's electoral-winning right-wing coalition led by George Meloni prepares to form country's first female-led government. At the same time, the coalition, consisting of the "Brothers of Italy" parties (Melony), "League" (Salьvini) and "Forward, Italy!» (Berlusconi), collects the reaction of foreign countries and governments to their victory in the parliamentary elections.

As a result of the elections, said coalition scored 44,02% votes, of which 26,03% with the Brothers of Italy.

The reaction of foreign governments and the media to this alignment in Italy varies.. So, in the Turkish press are wondering: “Will the new Italian government become, to a certain extent, a repetition of the government of Benito Mussolini?»

From the White House (USA) Rome received a message, that the US administration is "ready to work with the new government of Italy".

Russian authorities, reportedly, welcomed the election victory in Italy of "political forces, who are ready for a constructive dialogue with Moscow".

And this is an excerpt from a letter from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to the winning coalition:

I can't wait to start working with the new Italian cabinet. There is every reason to believe, that your government will protect the interests of the Italian people and make more informed and independent decisions. An unambiguous hint of, that the previous (still active) the government could hardly be called independent.

Messages from the French government:

We intend to monitor the observance of human rights in Italy. And the deputy from the French left party "Unbowed France" Clementine Autin spoke even more harshly, posting on social media:

Mussolini's heirs came to power in Italy. Spanish Foreign Minister Juan Manuel Albarez spoke about the results of the elections in Italy as follows:

Populism is on the rise. But it always ends in disaster.

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