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Military satire on the American way: “51 Afghan child was killed by mistake during chocolates reset”

Under the heading "Weekend Fiction" trying to figure out, What is humor and satire in the American. Thus it is better to try to understand, based on primary source materials, which may be a food for thought. The basic material, you can choose one of the latest publications in the popular in the United States military and paramilitary environment edition Duffel Blog.

To get started on the publication. Duffel Blog (aka - DB) - site, created 2012 year veteran of the US Navy, Paul Sholdroy (Szoldra). Orientation of the publication - war satire, entertainment.

so, What is the fun US retirees?

Online DB published an article with the following title: "International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (ISAF) threw candy to children - 51 lost".

Военная сатира по-американски: "51 афганский ребёнок погиб от ошибки при сбросе конфет"

of material:
In connection with the tragic accident today planes, belonging to ISAF, accidentally killed 51 Afghans near the city of Mazar-i-Sharif, trying to throw candy to a group of children. Two NATO aircraft, later identified as an American C-130, We made a flight at low altitude over the local village. About 1,4 M candies million&M's were supposed to be delivered in a container. Due to faulty parachute system fails, and a container crashed through the roof of the local school at about 100 miles at a time. Upon impact pressure increased so, that act like candies become explosive. Physics professor Dr. Rosella Schwartz: In fact, Candy turned into stuffing landmine, hitting all around – on 360 degrees.

Further, the material provides "evidence of an employee of the Red Cross in Afghanistan":
I've seen many wounds, inflicted civilians by military ammunition, but it was much worse. He leaned over the wounded, to change the bandages, pointing to numerous blue, green and yellow spots.

The article is a publication of the American satirical "statement of the press service of the ISAF», which states:
Although ISAF regrets the accidental deaths of civilians, it will not prevent us from working, to alleviate the suffering of the Afghan people.

And in the "appendage" of the authors Duffel Blog:
Intsidyent c Mazar-Sharifye, Unfortunately, It is not the first failure of this kind. 27 April with a few boxes “Snykersamy” fell to a wedding near Kunduz, ubiv 35 human. A 8 May several packages Starbursts accidentally fell into a children's home and killed 8 Children and charming kitten named Mittens. After the press conference, Colonel Marshall tried to get off the podium, but he stumbled and crashed into a group of civilians, ubiv 9 human.

apparently, in the United States see the American "accidental" bombing of the hospital, "Red Cross" in Kunduz and school in Mazar-i-Sharif as a topic for jokes. A kind of version of the French text “Charlie Эbdo”?



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