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Russian PMCs in Syria!

Russian law prohibits the use of mercenaries, He writes in Newsweek journalist Owen Matthews.

“But at least since the 1990s, Moscow used them for their military interventions abroad as an indirect force, with which contact can be denied”, – According to the author, referring to Bosnia and Transnistria. “In the past four years, President Vladimir Putin dramatically expanded the use of private military companies fighters (PMC) as one of the key elements of the foreign policy, using them to spread of Russian power in the Eastern Ukraine and Syria”, – referred to in Article.

The journalist continues: “December 2016 , Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Utkin was photographed at the Kremlin banquet with Putin. Utkin – founder “Wagner group”, which the US Treasury, nalozhiv it in 2016 year personal sanctions, He named one of the largest recruiters of Russian citizens for the war in Syria”.

a photo: google

The Russian president was also photographed with Eugene Prigogine, is under US sanctions for the possession of shares in the company “euro Polis”. “Russian anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny revealed deep commercial ties “euro Polis” with the Russian Ministry of Defense, and independent news site Prigogine called a cover for activities “Wagner group” in Syria”, – referred to in Article.

a photo: google

According to the magazine, Utkin 2013 year began working in the PMC Moran Security Group. “according to an investigation “Radio Free Europe” from 2016 of the year, at 2013 Moran Security Group, the senior managers of the organization created in St. Petersburg “Slavic housing”, which recruited retired Russian military to protect oil fields and pipelines in Syria. Utkin was one of their commanders. According to some reports, This mission turned into a disaster, and, in the words of living in London, a senior source from the scope of US private security agencies (This source does not have sanctions on the official dealing with the press), “Slavic housing” It was poorly equipped, they led bad, and it suffered heavy losses”, – referred to in Article.

“In the case of PMCs is often difficult to determine, It ends where private interests and start state, – the source said. – Partly in the fact of a member of their meaning. IN “Slavic housing” in Syria, probably, It was both. Russian oil companies want to enter Syria, and the Kremlin also wanted to have a presence there, which would be an informal”.

AT 2014 Utkin was founded “Wagner group”. “According to analysts “Novaya Gazeta” Pavel Felgenhauer, He soon became one of the key, though informal, Kremlin staff. Utkin appeared in the breakaway region of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, led a group of retired military, who fought alongside local insurgents”, – Matthews writes.

“One man, calling himself a secret soldier, He told Newsweek, what in 2015 he was recruited to serve in Syria agent of a large private military company (which one, he refused to answer), when I am fighting as a volunteer for the formation Donetskoe militarized. he called “Sergei” and said, that he 30 years and that he had a driver from Donetsk. Check his story with the help of independent sources was impossible, but the details are the same, as in other interviews, are veterans of private military operations in Syria gave the Russian press”, – correspondent.

“My main motivation was money, not patriotism, – Sergei claimed in a telephone interview. – Most of the guys are going to make money. We were offered 150 thousand (2,6 thousands of dollars) per month – at home (In Donesk) you, if you're lucky, earn 15 thousand. Recruiters tell us, that we will not dangerous work – guard the communication lines, base, etc.”.

The magazine writes: “Sergey and other recruits flew to the Syrian Latakia on a chartered plane, posing as Civil Engineers, he says. But soon after arrival, he says, they found, that are involved in intense fighting. Education was “pretty basic”, and harsh discipline. He claims: “Us, levy, not allowed to go to wash, while we were in camp near Latakia, and the entire piece would be fined, if found, that someone drinks”. company paid 5 thousand (88 dollars) as a reward for the head of any member of the armed group killed “Islamic State” (banned organization in the Russian Federation), says Sergey. Agreed-upon compensation for serious injury was 900 thousand (16 one thousand dollars), and relatives of the dead soldiers promised 3 million rubles (53 thousands of dollars). As far as was known by Sergey “word of mouth” mercenaries, with a salary no one cheated”.

Robert Young Pelton, book author “License to Kill: hired arrows on “War on Terror”” (Licensed to Kill: Hired Guns in the War on Terror), He said in an interview, what “Wagner Group” in Syria for the most part has a function “Councilors on the advanced”, they “provide training, and then commanded the fire and movement of the front line”. “Pelton added, that one of his sources, working in Deir ez-Zor, told him, that the level of the warring Russians “It was not that impressive… professionals in the team a little bit, and the blood too much”, transfers edition.

“Basically, the team “Wagner” “They were effective in teaching and leadership Syrian forces – how to move, how to shoot and to keep in touch”, – adds Pelton. author of the article adds: “They also coordinate airstrikes, who helped the Russian aviation, having overwhelming superiority in air, turn the tide of war in favor of President Assad”.

Matthews notes: “Despite the official denial of direct links, Kremlin, looks like, awarded commanders “Wagner group” for service”. “Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed the authenticity of the photos, but rewarding facts”, – magazine reports.

“maybe, it was the result of lobbying by the Syrian government, – He said in an interview with the Russian senator Franz Klintsevich. – maybe, they said: these guys – the real heroes. They deserve rewards… But a formal link between these people and the Russian government is not”.

The journalist writes: “Klintsevich many years lobbying for the legalization of mercenaries in Russia”. “We need to use the US experience and integrate private military companies in our military planning, – he says. – But we could not take the necessary laws because of the conflict between the Defense Ministry and the FSB on the question of, who will control these military groups. They have serious heavy weapons, not only “AK-47″, so there is a security issue, regarding their regulation”.

“Americans are now using military companies, – He said in an interview from the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak. – Why should we not do?”

Matthews believes, American PMCs not perform such functions, Both Russian PMCs. Besides, “private armies – perfect weapon for the Kremlin's newfound corporate method of hybrid war, mobilizing the secret forces and private companies in order to achieve state goals”, referred to in Article.

“seems, in March of retired military PMC RSB Group engaged in demining areas of Libya, who captured near Benghazi field commander, Khalifa Haftar, Moscow-backed; This allegedly was done at the invitation of a local cement company, He told Reuters in an interview the owner of the RSB Oleg Krinitsyn”, – referred to in Article.

“Now, When Russia turns its military involvement in the events in Syria, Many speculate, where Putin sent his private army in the next time – and where the next monument to the fallen soldiers of Russian secret will be erected”, – the author concludes.

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