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awareness – is forearmed.

On Hmeymim again UAV frequented

Responsibility for the murder of police officers in Dagestan has assumed a terrorist group "IG".

To understand the danger of sniper fire from Gaza. Along the border there are various barriers, but many sites are open; Hamas has snipers, but they rarely use their, realizing the seriousness of the response.

In Afghanistan, now there is a major battle between the Taliban and the IG.

Once in three provinces: Sari Pul, Faryab and Jowzjan Taliban launched a major offensive. It is already known about the death 300 militants on both sides. IG is gradually losing ground.

In the photo militants IG discourage Taliban attack in Jawzjan province. One of the militants corrects sniper fire by a shoe.

Israeli soldiers from Givati ​​infantry brigade died in the hospital, after being wounded in the neck.

In Kizilyurt district of Dagestan attacked by unknown employees of traffic police officers, According to a source in the emergency services. Killed two traffic police officers.

Israel strikes on the Gaza Strip.

In Gaza increases the voltage between Palestinians and Israel.

Today, for the first time a Palestinian sniper opened fire on the Israeli military, one of the soldiers in the hospital in serious condition.

In response, the Israeli army opened fire from tanks, and caused numerous airstrikes. As a result, two Hamas militants were killed.

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