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The FSB detained the Japanese consul in Vladivostok while he was receiving restricted information

The FSB detained the Japanese consul in Vladivostok while he was receiving restricted informationConsul of the Japanese Consulate General in Vladivostok Matoki Tatsunori has been declared persona non grata and must leave Russia as soon as possible. As it turned out, the Japanese was engaged in espionage activities and was detained by the FSB.

According to the TsOS FSB, Japanese consul was caught red-handed when he received information of limited distribution. Matoki Tatsunori tried to get information about Russia's cooperation with one of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region for money. On the video of the interrogation of the consul, the translator asked him a question, did he understand, that their actions violate the laws of Russia, Tatsunori replied, what “understands now”. Prior to his arrest, he allegedly did not know about it..

The Federal Security Service in the Primorsky Territory stopped the espionage activity of the Consul of the Consulate General of Japan in Vladivostok Motoki Tatsunori. A Japanese diplomat was caught red-handed while receiving limited distribution of information about topical aspects of Russia's cooperation with one of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region for a monetary reward, the impact of Western sanctions policy on the economic situation in Primorsky Krai- told the FSB.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has already declared Tatsunori persona non grata, stated, that the activities of the Japanese consul for political affairs are incompatible with the status of a diplomat. In the near future he must leave Russian territory. Besides, Moscow protested to Tokyo.

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