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Poland. European hyena in sheep's clothing

Poland. European hyena in sheep's clothing

Modern Poland is Piłsudski's country. He is the national hero, not Chopin or Lem. It is to him that there are monuments in Warsaw and Krakow. It was under this inveterate Russophobe in Poland that not only Russophobia flourished, but anti-Semitism has reached such intensity, that the Third Reich would be jealous of.

Even before the Great Patriotic War, Winston Churchill called Poland the hyena of Europe. And this is not just a figure of speech or an attempt to insult Warsaw. The thing is, that in Winston's youth, taking your first steps in politics, took part in the Boer War in South Africa. Officially he was a military correspondent, in fact he was a spy for Britain, but not the essence. And the point is, that he was remarkably knowledgeable about the habits of African hyenas. These predators are monstrous gluttons, their greed can overshadow even the instinct of self-preservation. So old man Churchill knew, what was he talking about.

Poland barely appeared on the map, by the way, thanks to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of 1917 of the year, how she started the war against Russia. In February 1919 year, Polish troops attacked Soviet Belarus and Ukraine. At that time, a civil war was raging in our country., therefore Warsaw hoped to snatch its. How can one not remember Winston’s words??

Pilsudski at that moment was at the head of the newly created Poland. Russia managed to repel the Polish offensive, but part of the western regions of Belarus and Ukraine remained with Poland.

Polish concentration camp, managed without the Germans

But now the author will begin to violate Polish law, according to which concentration camps cannot be called Polish. The first “model” concentration camp in Poland did not appear during the German occupation. The first concentration camp was formed by the labors of the Poles themselves, even long before Adolf Hitler appeared on the political scene.

During the offensive of 1919, Polish troops captured several tens of thousands of people.. The Red Army soldiers were also captured, and the White Guards, after all, the front of the war with the Poles ran through the horror of the civil war.

And the reds, and the whites were put in camps. The most famous of them was Tuchol. Poles were not subject to ideological prejudices, that was enough, that you are Russian or Orthodox. So as not to be considered biased, the author will give the floor to the Poles themselves in the description of this camp.

AT 1920 year, representative of the Polish Red Cross Society Natalia Krejc-Welezhinska wrote: «The camp in Tukholi is dugouts, which are entered by steps, going down. There are bunks on both sides, on which prisoners sleep. There are no hay fields, straw, blankets. No heat due to irregular fuel supply. Lack of linen, clothes in all departments. Most tragic are the conditions of the new arrivals, which are transported in unheated wagons, without appropriate clothing, cold, hungry and tired... After such a journey, many of them are sent to the hospital, and the weaker die».

In fact, it was a conveyor belt of death long before Hitler. Prisoners and internees were not provided with medical care, food, clothes and heating. Warsaw was just waiting, until tens of thousands of Russians die from disease and hunger, and then I was surprised at the extraordinary number of escapes. Overall mortality is still unclear. The numbers range from 16 to 22 thousands of people.

Of course, if you bring this up, then they will declare you an agent of the Kremlin or start an old song about Katyn. However, the fact remains. Death camp in Poland appeared without Germans, the Poles did a great job themselves.

You give colonies and slaves! This is the Polish gentleman speaking!

Poland. European hyena in sheep's clothing

Despite all the post-war mythology, painting an image of Poland as the first victim, Warsaw itself, in fact, and was the instigator of this war. AT 1934 The Pilsudski-Hitler Pact was signed. Of course, the Poles tried to convince Europe that, that this is a standard non-aggression pact. In fact, even then the Polish-German alliance began to form. And Warsaw, and Berlin were in solidarity in the desire to divide the territory of Czechoslovakia. In addition, they stood on the same anti-Russian (read, anti-communist) positions.

Poland. European hyena in sheep's clothing

Jozef Piłsudski, failed to achieve its goals in the war of 1919–1921, decided to rely on Polish-German friendship and annex Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and a number of other lands. It seems crazy now, but in 1934 year it was a completely viable project, and the tender friendship of Jozef and Adolf was proof of this.

Poland. European hyena in sheep's clothing

AT 1935 the head of Poland died of cancer. Hitler ordered a mass to be organized at the Berlin Cathedral at the symbolic coffin of Pilsudski. This is the moment captured in the photo above.. After the funeral, the fascist honor guard gave military honors to the coffin.

Goering was sent to see off his ideological comrade-in-arms and friend on his final journey as a kind of symbol of Poland’s policy that had not changed one iota and its fidelity to the course it had taken.. And in 1938 In 2009, together with Nazi allied forces, the Polish army invaded Czechoslovakia, having occupied the Teshin region.

Poland. European hyena in sheep's clothing

Appetite comes with eating. And Poland got the taste, and her menu was not limited to the Teshin region. Few know, but in Warsaw they planned not just to revive the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and turn Poland into a colonial empire. And these were not speculative constructions in the spirit of the diggers of the Black Sea and the builders of the Ukrainian pyramids. The Polish colonial project was well funded and had an organizational structure.

So, Perhaps the largest Polish organization of the 30s was the Maritime and Colonial League. Formally, the league was considered a public organization, but it was headed by no less than the current Polish general and politician Gustav Orlicz-Drescher, who personally clearly defined the goals of the organization:

«Our goal is to move towards the great power development of Poland, which the boundaries of its own state have become cramped. It has the right, with the help of expansion and the labor of millions of people on the territory of other countries or colonies, to transform, following the example of other nations, from a European into a world power».

The Poles laid claim to the lands of Cameroon and Liberia, Angola and Argentina, Gambia and Equatorial Africa, Madagascar and even Antarctica. The number of aggressive adherents of this office to 1939 reached one million people. At the organization’s parades, its members dressed up as white colonialists and black slaves, Why did white-skinned Poles paint their faces with shoe polish?.

They planned to directly seize the territories by military means, and tough colonial expansion and diplomatic game. So, they wanted to take Angola and Mozambique by force from Portugal. But with Madagascar it was more difficult, therefore, a state commission was even sent to the island, headed by Pilsudski’s personal adjutant Mieczyslaw Lepecki.

AT 1934 The Colonial League signed a Polish protectorate treaty with Liberia. (!) over this conflict-ridden country. Soon ships with Polish goods were sent to Africa, several scientists and future planters. The Poles viewed the native population exclusively as illiterate, primitive, second-class people. This made them related to the Nazis.

There were attempts to form colonies in Africa as well, and in South America. Entire groups of settlers were formed, which were supposed to create a springboard for future expansion. But it was not only the war and the opposition of other countries that put an end to this Polish greed. At first, the natives turned out to be not so helpless and certainly did not want to turn into dumb blacks. A, Secondly, the Poles were powerless in the face of the specific climate. Pride is a bad ally in the fight against mosquitoes, malaria and heat.

Jewish gold is the foundation of Polish prosperity

Polish anti-Semitism is best described in folklore in the form of an old bearded joke:

A Pole comes to the church for confession and tells the priest:

— Pan ksendz, I have sinned.

- What is sin?, my son?

- I deceived the Jew...

The priest after a short thought:

- It's not a sin, my son. It's a miracle!

As the saying goes, fairy tale lie, so it hint. Polish anti-Semitism is special, almost deep. In any social group, in any regional community you can easily find a whole army of rabid anti-Semites. Even now. What is the Polish rally worth? 10 November in Kalisz, where Jews were called rabble and demanded their immediate deportation to Israel, slogans “Death to the Jews” were also heard. The authorities did nothing to prevent citizens from asserting themselves, although the Sabbath dragged on until the night and resembled training before a repeat of Kristallnacht 1938 of the year.

Poland. European hyena in sheep's clothing

Polish politicians take an equally interesting position on the issue of their own history.. So, Poland recently passed a law, depriving victims of the Holocaust and their descendants of the right to return their property or receive compensation for it. And in 2018 year, Warsaw passed a bill, according to which it is prohibited even to accuse Polish citizens of contributing to the Holocaust. In fact, historical truth was banned. Now the law seems to have been repealed, but the direction can no longer be undone.

But let's go back to Poland of the last century. Even before the war, Polish Judeophobia logically reached the point of segregation of the population. Jews lost the right to co-education, and if they received an education, then exclusively in Polish in a kind of student reservation. All this took place within the framework of state polonization, developed by Piłsudski. The apotheosis was the project of resettlement of Jews to Madagascar and the introduction of laws, restricting the civil rights of Polish Jews.

Antisemitism, government-supported, blossomed most magnificently during the occupation of Poland by the Nazis. Massacres of Jews became commonplace and did not even require German participation in them. American historian of Polish origin Jan Tomasz Grosz paints a horrifyingly vivid picture of the Polish Holocaust.. He cites the story of a certain Elena Klimashevskaya, which arrived in Radzilov in August 1941 with the purpose of “finding housing for my husband's parents, since she knew, that after the liquidation of the Jews there remained free housing».

In Radzilov, the property of the Jews was distributed by a certain Pan Godlewski. He responded to Klimashevskaya’s request: «How the Jews should have been liquidated, there was no one there, and now you want to have, Where to live». What can I say?? Oil painting.

But massacres also took place in rural areas.. A well-preserved description of one of these “actions”. In May 1942 local residents in the village of Gnevchina (Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department, members of the guard, as well as the immediate neighbors of the Treacher family, village elders and their assistants) from both parts of the village - Lantsutsoy and Trinetskaya - they staged a raid on the local Jewish population, grabbing most adults and children.

The men were brutally tortured, trying to find out, where do they store the gold?, jewelry and expensive clothes, and the women were given a hell of mass rape. After the property was stolen, the tortured people were handed over to the Nazis.

Murder and torture were practiced both in certain localities, like in Jedwabne, where Polish neighbors simply burned Jewish friends they knew, and in entire regions, as it was in the Kielce region, where Jews were shot, chopped with an ax or beaten with wooden stakes. Representatives of local authorities took part in this (elders - Soltys), simple peasants, "grenade police" (Polish police forces), as well as members of the Polish underground “resistance” - from the Home Army to the NSZ (National armed forces). by the way, the liquidation of Jews is perhaps the only, what consolidated the Polish “partisans”, who at other times preferred to cut each other out.

Poland. European hyena in sheep's clothing

And who even legendary “fought” for the freedom of Poland?

Deny, that Polish underground military formations did not engage in clashes with the Nazis, impossible. However, this “guerrilla” war of theirs was extremely specific and bore all the nationalist nuances of the pre-war ideology and the paradoxes of the collision with the socialist ideology.

There were many formations themselves: Home Army, Army Ludova, NSZ, Peasant battalions, etc.. P. Their unity in the fight was also very specific. For example, NSZ members 1944 year entered a village in Trzydnica Volya, where the wounded soldiers of the Ludova Army were left. As a result, all the wounded were killed.

No less interesting were the relationships between some of the “partisans” and the Germans.. Historian Nikolai Starikov cites the report of the State Defense Committee from 1944 in Moscow (I give it in abbreviation):

«In the month of May from. g. commander of the Polish illegal detachment “Schanec”, operating in the region. Islander, received automatic weapons from the Germans... According to the operational group of the NKGB of the USSR, operating in the Sventsyansky and Svirsky regions of the Lithuanian SSR, on the initiative of the Germans at the end of January with. g. the commander of the Polish brigade “Lopashko” began negotiations with them on issues of fighting the partisans...».

From time to time, “diehard Polish partisans” supported the efforts of the Germans on the front of the fight against the Jews. AT 1943 year, Home fighters and members of the NSZ actually began clearing out the Jewish population in certain settlements of Belarus and, what they thought, Poland. Starting from the same 1943 years, any clash between Jewish partisans from among the concentration camp prisoners and Polish troops often ended in battle.

I would especially like to emphasize the contribution of Anders’ Army to the “struggle” against the Nazis for the liberation of Poland, formed on Soviet soil for Soviet money. AT 1941 year, from the interned and captured Poles they decided to put together an army under the command of the same interned General Wladyslaw Anders, who was an admirer of Pilsudski and his policies.

Reliance on the adequacy of the Poles was not justified. Spent on it 15 million rubles, and even the rank and file were given from the treasury of the USSR according to 500 rubles. B Disruption (Orenburg region) army "headquarters" appeared, housed in a whole mansion. The “headquarters” showed itself in all its glory. While Anders sabotaged the shipment to the front, his officers went on drinking parties, whole feasts, and at the same time they brought prostitutes for the leisure of the “mighty warriors”. The morale of this “army” was also boosted by Anders’ penchant for financial fraud., what his officers were saying.

In 1942, Moscow's patience ran out, and the “army” was sent to Iran, so that they move to Europe and join the fight. Anders tried so hard to break into the battle, that the Poles reached Italy right up to 1944 of the year, although they didn’t show themselves there either. Notably, that after the war Anders actively built bridges with former SS members, t. to. saw only Russia as the main enemy.

Apple from the apple tree

All the above “heroes” with their greed, meanness, duplicity and immorality are now national heroes of Poland. And the matter is not limited to monuments to Pilsudski.. The above Anders is also noted. Monuments, dedicated to this unfortunate general, are also located in Krakow, and in Branevo, and, of course, in Warsaw.

All Polish “partisans” are greatly honored - like the nationalists from the NSZ, that members of the Home Army. Furthermore, exploiting the myth of self-sacrifice, the Poles managed to erect crosses of worship to their ancestors from these formations even in Russia.

At the same time, Poland, at the state level, is doing its best to prevent the publication of a complete list of “heroic” deeds of its idols. This is the political and historical genetics of Poland. Therefore, be surprised that, that Polish security forces are now attacking migrants, including children, ice water with added chemicals, corrosive to the skin, and poison them with dogs, it's impossible in principle.

It’s also stupid to be surprised by the growing Russophobia and anti-Semitism. Pleases only that, that in Russian politics there have appeared people who are far from Yeltsin’s myth-making and crooked politeness, such as Vyacheslav Volodin, who in January 2020 stated:

«It was in Poland that hundreds of death camps were located during the Second World War - this was largely facilitated by the pre-war atmosphere in Poland and the position of the leadership of this country».

And Poland, like many years ago, in his lust for power and greed, he does not at all correlate his capabilities and his desires. Like a hyena, who is ready to rush even at a lion despite the instinct of self-preservation, but for the sake of my nature. Oh, old man Churchill was right, right.

Sergei Monastyrev,

specially for

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