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Kuril issue: against whom actively arming Japan

Kuril issue: against whom actively arming Japan

Military tensions gradually escalate not only from the West, where NATO "drives round dances" around the Kaliningrad region, and in the USA they already call Keningsberg “occupied territory”, but also from the East. Japan is actively building muscles, investing in the development of the Navy and hypersonic weapons. Japanese military experts name China as potential adversary, but is there any kind of “doublethink” in Tokyo’s actions?
The development of the offensive potential of Japan shows a very unpleasant dynamics. The facts are:At first, Tokyo suddenly became a potential owner of two carrier strike groups. At the time, the cunning Japanese built two helicopter carriers: Izumo (DDH183) и From (DDH184). It was obvious to military experts from the beginning, that the silhouette and overall design of these ships are very reminiscent of small aircraft carriers. Last year, Japanese authorities said, that a decision was made to upgrade them, as a result of which on each of them it will be possible to put the wing of the F-35B. As is known, aircraft carrier is not a defense weapon, but attacks.Secondly, Japanese scientific and technical genius has made a real breakthrough in the production of submarines. In the series of diesel-electric submarines "Syuryu" a new, equipped with a lithium-ion battery. A large battery charge at times increases its duration of continuous stay under water, speed reaches 37 kilometers per hour. At the same time, the submarine has high silence. In other words, by 1/3 Tokyo's nuclear submarines cost something close to them in terms of performance.Thirdly, the activity of the Russian Federation and the USA in the field of hypersonic weapons did not leave indifferent the Japanese. Tokyo's existing developments allow you to strike at a distance of 500 kilometers. But this range is not final: to 2026 Japan intends to get highly maneuverable hypersonic missile, capable of hitting large ships from a safe distance, including, aircraft carriers. Explicitly Not Meaning American AUGs, because Tokyo is counting on U.S. assistance in developing weapons., Japan is very seriously preparing for war. With whom? It is believed, that with China. But let's not forget about the "northern territories". Tokyo is currently trying to bring the Kuril Islands back through some kind of “sharing”: on paper Russian islands, de facto - japanese. But everything can change overnight. Recently we told, how subversive work is currently underway in Europe, the purpose of which is to designate the USSR as one of the culprits of the outbreak of World War II. Already, the European Parliament has recognized the invasion of Poland as a direct consequence of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Before, to translate the Soviet Union, and therefore, and the Russian Federation as its successor, only one step left from the victims of aggression to the status of aggressor. The consequences will be the most deplorable: all territorial acquisitions following the results of World War II will be declared illegal, among them, Kaliningrad region and the Kuril Islands. And then it will be time for Tokyo to send troops to the "northern territories". Will the Russian leadership begin to hit strategic nuclear weapons in NATO and Japan in such a situation?, starting the apocalypse, after which the survivors will fight in the bunkers for a can of stew? maybe, Yes. But how can one not recall Brzezinski’s infamous quote about the real identity of “elites”. By the way, the other day these same elites have defended their right to own property abroad, Well, in those same NATO countries, which is supposed to incinerate in a nuclear flame. So think for yourself.

Author: Sergey Marzhetsky

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