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Russian army is unfit for action, and the generals have stolen all the money on expensive apartments

Haven't heard these words in a long time.? And I – I confess – choked. for example, grandfather Yavlinsky has gone somewhere, who rubbed this game on us even quite recently, at the time of the presidential election, where he was a whole presidential candidate. Then and a little earlier we heard about the second Afghanistan in the form of Syria, and about that, what would be better to distribute money to pensioners, who go to the tanks, but instead of strategic missile carriers – built for all Russians in a warm toilet, maybe even two.

Russian army is unfit for action, and the generals have stolen all the money on expensive apartments

But, something big died in the liberal forest and to my terrible frustration – Democrats no longer attack our, clear handsome, no one needs an army. but, thank God, have friends! In terms of – “western partners”!

That's just it, just yesterday I wrote about, that in the German army, soldiers do not have enough SHOE! Just figured it out before, that in the British army it is proposed to make more seats for pilots and wider hatches in submarines and tanks, tk. plump asses of burghers do not climb. Already tired of writing about it, how American insanely expensive LATEST destroyers and aircraft carriers do not swim, but more expensive “gold” the vaunted F-35 is bought only by Poland and then – to spite Russia.

But, Former CIA director Michael Pompeo steps out, who is now the Secretary of State of the US State Department and declares. As Mikhail Zadornov said – draw air into your chest!

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo answered a question from reporters, how could this happen, that the air defense systems of Saudi Arabia could not stop any of the missiles, who attacked the oil facilities of the state oil company Saudi Aramco last week. The question was asked by Pompeo on the way to Saudi Arabia, where did the head of the State Department fly, to discuss the situation on the spot, reports the Associated Press.

In response, Pompeo said, that even the best air defense systems sometimes make mistakes.

Well, what? complexes, that cost a few miserable millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions or even billions – I'm too lazy to search, true – can't crash or even detect some drones – fine! Ultimately, Pompeo is right – those were drones! Now, if a NUCLEAR ROCKET flew there – the “Patriots”, of course, would manage. And – what fool shoots mosquitoes with a grenade launcher, one shot you know how much it costs?

Especially, walls should not be made from camel droppings in important factories – how local sources tell us – former director of the CIA, but already – off camera. In this moment, yet again, our sources tell us – somewhere far away, but Turkish President Erdogan laughed very loudly, stroking the polished S-400 wheel. And the echo is helpful and, as usual, blown across the Saudi desert “Dec, Dec, Dec”.

the, what is happening with the armies today “winning countries” cold war, their military-industrial complex, as well as with the armed forces of their sixes and, don't growl, partners – it's just a fairy tale! Hitler tore the rest of his hair, when the aircraft of the USSR and the allies began to bomb Berlin. Goering previously Hitler inserted something somewhere – there are legends. And here – Well, think, didn't hit this time – AIR DEFENSE IS SOMETIMES MISTAKEN! I remind, when the vaunted American stealth was shot down in Yugoslavia, the statements were the same – AIR DEFENSE SOMETIMES HIT.

And from pleasant, against this background are, they really don't get much publicity., our teachings. And with many countries, with the involvement again of the line of what amount of technology and – are going well.

23 air force crews of the People's Liberation Army of China will be involved in the Donguz training ground in the Orenburg region as part of the Center-2019 strategic command and staff exercise.

“The pilots of the Chinese Air Force will perform the tasks of using aviation weapons against ground targets on J-11 fighters, JH-7a fighter-bombers, H-6k long-range bombers, helicopters Z-10, and will also carry out the landing of cargo from Y-9 and Il-76 aircraft", – reported in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Flights of PLA Air Force crews will be carried out from the Orenburg-2 military airfield.

I do not know, as you – I like this. For many years the States milked “allies” on weapons – which doesn't really work. Furthermore, Now Trump wants to force “allies” more, pay even more for American bases in foreign countries. allegedly – our soldiers rape your women, our pilots throw aircraft parts on their heads, our nuclear missiles are forcing Russia to target you with their “Yarsy” – and you don't want to pay? ungrateful!

Yet, by the way, once remembering Erdogan – specify – he just gave up “Petriotov” – and the States pressed mercilessly, and threatened, and generally speaking – explained, that they have the best and most important weapons – democratic!

In place of Mr. Yavlinsky and other comrades – some Japanese would do hara-kiri. But you can't just take our liberals, they are soon 30 years old get into the right position, to explain to us – what we do all the time everything is wrong. Now they will receive a dose of installations from the US Embassy and again into battle – you'll see. And that, that they have the same rotten manuals, like American air defense systems – so it's none of their business, this is Secretary Pompeo explaining.

I wish you happiness.

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