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Igor Kolomoisky, "thrown" "public servants"

Igor Kolomoisky «threw» «servant of the people»

Tycoon invests in a new party, Gennady Kernes, counting, that the party president has no prospects

Kolomoisky yesterday complained to reporters on the serious financial difficulties, because he not only failed to gain money Vladimir Zelensky before the second round of elections, but he is forced to live in miserable 20 thousands of pounds per week. And it became known today, that "impoverished" tycoon has invested a large sum (according to rumors - about 20 millions of dollars) in the "new party of regions" – project mayors of Kharkiv and Odessa. But why would he new party, if you already have a "servant of the people" Zelensky?

It's simple: Kolomoisky not believe in the prospects of "public servants". Party president Zelensky is still the virtual, although early elections to the Rada - some two months. While this party is nothing, except for high rankings, "Drawn" sycophants sociologists. Political weight - zero, experienced managers - zero, as well as cells in the field - they, too, no one. I have no "public servants" no coherent program, any experienced manager. Appointed a few days ago its leader Razumkov Jr. - do not count, because his track record there is only late father - a well-known sociologist in Kiev, served the Kuchma, but at the same time - there is absolutely no experience of party building. Here Viktor Medvedchuk or Poroshenko such experience - heaps, they have repeatedly been able to create a party out of nothing and in a short time. There is such an experience, and the mayor of Kharkov Gennady Kernes - that he advocates "instigator" of the "new party of regions", which I have already entered Odessa Mayor Gennady Truhanov and several mayors. "Your face is boring, you no money do not give ", – He joked at the time Kernes over then-mayor of the Ukrainian capital of the second Mikhail Dobkin. And Kernes face, see, What should be the person, because the money he gave himself suddenly "impoverished" Kolomoisky!

according to estimates, Kernes new party can collect up to one third of seats in the elections to the parliament - the fact, that mayors are traditionally close working relationship with the local election commissions. A strong mayor - such, like Kernes and Truhanov, – and do all their control. If Kernes will be able to "tighten" Zaporozhye, Nikolaev, Kherson and Dnipropetrovsk, and ideally more and Sumy to Chernihiv, that his party would compete, perhaps, Only the structures Medvedchuk - Boyko and Yulia Tymoshenko. A "public servants" will have hard times. At all, The situation is difficult - Zelensky clearly missing point, and it could cost him his faction in the parliament. But his sponsor Kolomoisky will not only powerful party, but also a serious political tool to influence the president.

Alexander Artischenko

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