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In Russia should have its own version of the PMC

The issue of creating a PMC in Russia raises several significant problems, said in an interview with the portal “economy today” Editor in Chief “Arsenal of the Fatherland”, Reserve Colonel Viktor Murakhovsky.

“At first, this is Russian law, since for the emergence of such structures it is necessary to prepare an industry legal framework. Secondly, Russian traditions are completely perpendicular to the creation in our country of private military companies on the Western model, so all types of private military companies, that are there, can hardly be taken as an example”, – states Murakhovsky.

According to Murakhovsky, it makes no sense for Russia to create, roughly speaking, Russian Blackwater.

This issue needs to be understood, that private military companies are business, and this is no longer the armed forces, for whom the performance of military tasks is a duty, and divisions, for whom all this is a regular job. And in practice, there is a very large and significant difference between these concepts..

Wherein, also cannot be ignored, that the standard size of the Russian armed forces is limited, therefore, in the event of any special military tasks, the problem of a shortage of military specialists may arise.

Actually, this is the main argument in support of the creation of such structures, when it says, that PMCs in their activities will help the Armed Forces in carrying out tasks within the framework of the same conflict in Syria.

Another thing, that an institute has recently appeared in Russia, which can cover this entire range of tasks - I mean the provision on short-term military contracts adopted at the end of last year.

With this change in federal law “On Military Duty and Military Service” state, if he needs it, will be able to quickly take on the performance of specific tasks in a limited period of time the military specialists he needs.

“This is not a call, since the contract is an event absolutely opposite to conscription in the form of a voluntary consent of a citizen to conclude a contract with the Ministry of Defense and work in his military specialty, albeit for a short period”, – concludes Murakhovsky.

According to Murakhovsky, this legislative provision facilitates the creation of temporary formations, which are necessary to solve specific military tasks with the involvement of professionals, retired or retired.

“But, Despite this, it will still be state military formations of the Ministry of Defense and they have nothing to do with private military companies, naturally, will not have”, – states Murakhovsky.

The Pentagon loves to use PMCs

Besides, if we take the experience of the United States in the same Iraq, one can come to an interesting conclusion, that private military companies in this country suffered comparable losses to the American army, therefore, these were not just commercial structures, and military organizations, directly affiliated with the CIA and the Pentagon.

The reason for their appearance there is also understandable., sometimes Washington prefers to resolve many issues with the help of allegedly private structures, what, in particular, helps to underestimate official losses.

“Private military companies in the West, usually, multidisciplinary. They work under contracts with the Pentagon and with other American structures., doing, as security officials, and training of host country personnel, as well as functions to provide foreign military contingents of the United States and other states. Logistics can be cited as an example - escorting military convoys and the like.”, – summarizes Murakhovsky.

Usually, as Murakhovsky notes, such structures in the USA include subdivisions, far from hostilities - the same supply of various equipment(not only military) to a specific region, as well as ensuring cybersecurity and communications there, but, Despite this, everyone has heard of such a structure as Blackwater.

This structure, also called “secret CIA”, handles all kinds of tasks, including sabotage work, commissioned by the US government.

“This is not the only such company and their circle is much wider.. Naturally, they are losing, and they are not included in the official US lists, UK and other Western countries, which attract similar structures to perform military tasks, so this format cannot be an example for us”, – concludes Murakhovsky.

Another question, that such structures also perform normal tasks in the West to protect objects, logistic support, training of civilian specialists and many other duties, which the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation can indeed delegate to private organizations, but it takes a lot of work to do so., to resolve this issue without serious costs and institutional contradictions.

Therefore, the issue of introducing PMCs in Russia is very complex.. At first, absolutely right, such organizations must be affiliated with the state, and here the DOSAAF example is correct. Secondly, the issue of the status of such employees should be settled - this cannot be a regular employment contract, but rather a contract, approximate or repeat military. Thirdly, such organizations should be under the full control of the state services of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and primarily in terms of the choice of tasks and personnel policy.

If such conditions are met and functions are divided between PMCs and state structures and all possible contradictions are settled, such structures can actually be useful, at least in the form of the same state military reserve. And here the law on short-term military contracts can help., after all, PMCs will then always be able to provide the army with ready-made military specialists, It concludes portal “economy today”.



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