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The Times: France delivers SCALP cruise missiles to Ukraine using German Audi Q7s

The Times: France delivers SCALP cruise missiles to Ukraine using German Audi Q7sThe British use Ridgeback armored vehicles to deliver Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Ukraine, and the French use Audi Q7 cars for their Scalp missiles. The British edition of the Times came to this conclusion., analyzing a leaked conversation between senior German military officials.

According to the newspaper, from the conversation of German officers it follows, that the French use Q7 civilian vehicles to deliver their cruise missiles to Ukraine, and the British – Cougar Ridgback armored cars. At the same time, concerns are being expressed, that Russian intelligence could use this information to track the supply of cruise missiles to Kyiv.

but, not so simple, How does the British Times interpret this conversation?. At first, the Scalp cruise missile cannot be placed in the Audi Q7. Secondly, France supplied Ukraine with several dozen missiles, where to get so many German crossovers, to translate them. There is an obvious translation error here.

According to the Telegraph, The original text of the conversation reads like this:

I know, like the British do. They always transport them in Ridgback armored vehicles. They have several people on site. The French don't do that. They supply Q7 with Scalp missiles to Ukraine- says German Air Force Commander Gerhartz in a leaked conversation.

The expert group suggested, that it can't be an Audi Q7, but there is no other transport with this index. Also, according to the rules of the German language, we should have a verb in place of Q7. experts suggested, what is Q7 – this is a corrupted German kursieren, with the substitution of this verb everything falls into place:

I know, like the British do. They always transport them in Ridgeback armored vehicles. They have several people on site. The French don't do that. They ply EU-Ukraine for loading Scalp

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