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"Su-57 is an investment in the future": the Polish press appreciated the deployment of the production of the latest fighters

«Su-57 – this is an investment in the future»: the Polish press appreciated the deployment of the production of the latest fightersRussian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced an increased focus on the production of the latest Su-57 combat aircraft. Following this, retired Air Force General Vladimir Popov reported, what's the end 2024 will enter the VKS 60 Su-57. According to him, these vehicles should provide two regiments and, Consequently, only four squadrons.

These statements were noticed in the Polish press, giving his assessment of the deployment of the latest fighter aircraft in Russia.

I.e? in the coming 17 months to be built 60 aircraft [Su-57]. This would be a significant speedup in production, even in terms of plans, according to which Russia was supposed to receive 76 cars to 2028 year. Even if such acceleration were possible, this, probably, would mean stopping the production of all other fighters- noted in the publication Defense24.

As the author points out, At the same time, the development of the Su-57 to an advanced version with a new engine has not yet been completed, i.e 60 new vehicles will be supplied to VKS in basic configuration. In this regard, he asks the question, why wasn't it more logical to build more generation machines 4+.

Russia takes into account the protracted nature of the war and then, what is in service with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, finally, F-16s and, perhaps, other aircraft of the generation 4/4+ (F/A-18C/D, Mirage 2000, Gripen)- author writes.

In his words, in these conditions, it is irrational to equip your aviation with aircraft of the generation 4+, which will be equal in their combat capabilities to their Western counterparts.

They [generation aircraft 4/4+] no point in investing. Su-57 is an investment in the future- the conclusion is drawn in the Polish press.

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