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“The Syrian experience played a cruel joke”: Russian gunners spoke about the problems in coordinating the strike at the beginning of the NWO

«The Syrian experience played a cruel joke»: Russian gunners spoke about the problems in coordinating the strike at the beginning of the NWOAfter the start of providing assistance to the Syrian authorities in the fight against terrorists, the Russian military leadership gained new experience and built a new battle management system. Under the conditions of conducting military operations in the SAR, a limited contingent of the RF Armed Forces seemed, that the digitalization of command posts is capable of, but to effectively centralize the leadership of the troops.

With the beginning of the NWO, the so-called “Syrian experience” played a cruel joke on us. This is when all decisions to defeat, from all reconnaissance objects, received at the command post- Artillerymen of the 150th Motorized Rifle Division who know about the problems firsthand tell, taking an active part in the special operation.

From their words, it took about two minutes ("deadly long"), so that information, for example, with UAV "Orlan", about the location of the enemy reached the monitor of the "big boss", who gave the order to strike. As noted, some commanders continue to practice fire control according to the "Syrian scheme", although in the main the troops have already reorganized and orders to hit targets are given at the grassroots level.

So, in the 150th Motor Rifle Division, the command of the units independently makes decisions on strikes: the artillery regiment, without undue coordination with higher headquarters, is responsible for counter-battery combat and the destruction of reserves, and the divisions are working in the interests of the troops, in the first echelon.

According to the gunners, this was made possible by equipping artillery units with their own reconnaissance equipment (radar, sound and optical), acquired mainly with the money of military personnel or the efforts of volunteers. A network based on Motorola digital radios has been built to coordinate actions.

«The Syrian experience played a cruel joke»: Russian gunners spoke about the problems in coordinating the strike at the beginning of the NWO

At the same time, there is concern, that the desire of the military department to register materiel (the same reconnaissance drones), privately received, may lead to the formal "staffing" of units with the necessary property, which is essentially a consumable.

But to work smoothly on an ongoing basis, continuous deliveries are required., eg, UAV. So, one soldier shot down his own Matrice 30t quadcopter, mistaking him for an enemy. He saw a drone on high 200 m, 5,45-mm bullet hit the battery, drone caught fire and crashed.

As stated, in general, due to the equipment of artillery units with drones, the tactics of striking have changed. Now the combat mission is carried out mainly at the shooting stage. Drone provides target designation, spotter determines gap deviation, and the senior officer of the battery takes into account the corrections. As a result, only a few projectiles are required to hit the target..

Video footage is provided as an example., which recorded the suppression of the enemy control point. It was placed near the church complex, apparently with that intent, that Russian troops will not process the monastery. The task was set to stop the functioning of the enemy point. The calculation of the gun coped with it, using only two projectiles, which saved the church, which had already suffered during the battles, from complete destruction.

Author:Evgeny Lyushilin Photos used:Defense Ministry

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