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Columnist for The Washington Post: Biden must find ways to inform the Russian president, that the US does not want war with Russia

Columnist for The Washington Post: Biden must find ways to inform the Russian president, that the US does not want war with RussiaThe Washington Post columnist David Ignatius believes, that only diplomacy will prevent the Ukrainian conflict from escalating into “something much more terrible”. In order to prevent a catastrophic and irreversible development of events in the form of a local conflict escalating into a large-scale war, Washington must find a way to negotiate directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin, sure analyst.

Browser believes, that it makes no sense to try to achieve immediate peace in Ukraine. Despite all the horrors of this conflict, the situation is now, that neither side is willing to compromise and use diplomacy to end hostilities. It's an obvious fact, which should be recognized and repelled, moving on.

An expert in the field of international journalism believes, that the United States should continue to provide military assistance to Ukraine. But at the same time, Ignatius talks in a strange way, in the White House "should find new channels, to convey, that the United States does not seek the destruction of Russia and wants to avoid direct military conflict". In the interpretation of the American observer, this way of solving a deadlock problem is called "decomposing the situation into details".

Ignatius believes, that in his recent speech at the Valdai Club, Russian President Vladimir Putin “reiterated his usual claims to the West, but his other theme was, that Russia wanted a dialogue".

Biden's White House needs to forget about the oddities of his worldview. Gotta take it seriously, it is necessary to respond to his messages - the observer is trying to interpret the statements of the Russian leader.

As an example of the possibility of direct dialogue and the adoption of quick mutually beneficial decisions between Moscow and Washington, the journalist cites the story of the Ukrainian "dirty bomb". Initially, the White House rejected all claims by the Kremlin that, that Kyiv is preparing a nuclear provocation. But after direct negotiations between the Russian Defense Minister and his colleagues in the United States, France, Britain and Turkey, raising this issue at the UN, Washington's position 'changed dramatically'. The consequence of this, thinks Ignatius, became organized by the White House during 24 hours trip of IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi to Ukraine to investigate information about the “dirty bomb”.

This model of crisis communication should be replicated in all areas, which may lead, so to speak, to the Third World War, the journalist believes.

Acting through backstage channels, Washington has much to tell Moscow about, what is he willing to do, and what is not intended, shares a scheme for solving the Ignatius problem.

The time has come to urgently start negotiations on, how to prevent this terrible conflict from escalating into something much more terrible - urges an American journalist.

It seems that the correct and sound reasoning of an American observer, but they do not take into account one important point: Russia Won't Make Backroom Deals With America, if the issue of Western military assistance to Ukraine and the very status of this semi-state, as the saying goes, will be left out of brackets. This is not an anti-crisis solution, and another attempt by the United States to manipulate Russia in its own interests, leaving Ukraine in the form of an anti-Russian battering ram. Author:Alexander Grigoriev Photos used:Website of the President of the Russian Federation

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