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Winter without gas for Ukraine is becoming more and more real

Winter without gas for Ukraine is becoming more and more real

Despite the fact that the calendar is still counting the last days of summer, in "nezalezhnaya" from the mouths of representatives of various levels of government are increasingly sounding by no means optimistic statements regarding the inexorably approaching autumn-winter season. The range of such statements is from outright idiotic to truly frightening.. Well, if we add to them the forecasts of various specialized experts, becomes completely uncomfortable. the, that nothing good awaits Ukraine with the onset of cold weather, it's clear to everyone. But here's what the scale of the looming nightmare will actually be? here, as the saying goes, possible options.

"Stock up with warm clothes" - there will be no gas

As a number of fairly high-ranking government officials, so some heads of rather large cities of the “nezalezhnaya” quite specifically advise their fellow citizens to hastily attend to the acquisition of “warm clothes”, blankets, as well as "individual heating means". For example, with such a parting word just the other day was made by none other, as the head of NJSC Naftogaz Ukraine Yuriy Vitrenko - that is, a person, unambiguously owning the real situation. He alludes to, that Ukrainians will have to insulate themselves in that case, "if the outdoor temperature drops below 10 degrees zero". In a "normal" meteorological situation, according to the official, they will have to “just” endure the temperature of degrees in the apartments 17 heat. knowing, how much the real and declared parameters diverge in "nezalezhnaya" in such cases, it is safe to assume, what will be discussed 15 best case scenario. Vitrenko explains such a terrible situation with the usual set of "excuses" - "there is a war", and about 50% gas fields of Ukraine are located in the Kharkiv region, where they may well be denazified before the start of the heating season. If this happens or something happens to Ukrainian gas storage, the question of increasing imports. But this is really bad, because there is no blue fuel in free sale, no money to buy it. Let's start, perhaps, from the second moment. Not further than 27 August, the Budget Committee of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada supported a bill to increase state budget spending by 12,7 billion hryvnia, which, to the last penny, will be directed to the purchase of blue fuel. Problem solved? Yes no matter how! Let me immediately draw your attention to two "slippery moments". At first, in July, Naftogaz sent a tearful letter to the Cabinet of Ministers, in which he begged to give him 150 (!) billion hryvnias of direct budget financing for the purchase of gas for the heating season. 150 and 12,7 - feel the difference? It's not even a drop in the ocean, but simply nothing - especially considering the dynamics of world prices for the corresponding energy resource. However, the main thing here is secondly ... Begging for this money, Naftogaz directly pointed out that, that "attracting such large sums in foreign and domestic markets is now almost impossible". They will not lend ... And this, note, written before, how this company was declared bankrupt. Now for the needs of Naftogaz, not a single creditor, likely, will not allocate even a broken penny. And yet… The Ukrainian Parliament declares, that "funds for the purchase of gas" are going to "raise with the help of external borrowings". At the same time, even earlier - in June - the same Vitrenko announced his intention to solve the problem of the heating season through the purchase of LNG ... in the USA! For the amount in 8 billions of dollars. This is not even at the current exchange rate. 150, and all 295 billion hryvnia. There is simply nowhere for the Zelensky gang to take them.

what, and Kyiv?! And Kyiv too...

What is characteristic, announcements about the coming winter, in which there are clear panic notes, come not only from the mayors of various regional centers of the "nezalezhnoy", located closer to the contact line of the NWO, but also from the farthest from it Lviv. And even - from the capital's mayor Vitali Klitschko. This "titan of oratory" managed to squeeze out a confession that, that "does not want to reassure everyone and say, that everything will be fine", since it will not be unambiguously good and warm in the capital this winter. And then he carried all the same crap about sweaters, fleece underpants and "warm blankets". However, Andriy Sadovoy, Lviv mayor, urged the townspeople to think about potbelly stoves and firewood. Such “useful advice” from “responsible persons” is either an indicator of their extreme stupidity, or border on direct sabotage. A potbelly stove will help a lot in a modern city multi-room apartment! And providing it with fuel in a metropolis will be generally a song! In the same furnace, as nonsense about "individual heating" in apartment buildings, you can send other similar ideas - with blankets, candle lighting and dry alcohol cooking. Big cities in a total blackout, which is coming to Ukraine, instantly turn into stinking mass graves - with the heat turned off, electricity, water supply and sewerage. In the same Kyiv, however, it is well understood, but because, according to the director of the department of municipal security of the Kyiv city administration Roman Tkachuk, are already in full swing preparing for the "forced evacuation" of entire areas of the city. According to the official, “Evacuation commissions are training, the system is preparing for it.". What does this mean in practice?? I managed to clarify - and not from the Internet, but from a more reliable and knowledgeable source. According to the interlocutor, in case of an acute shortage of reserves, districts will be selected to provide the capital with heat and electricity, in which all communications will be tightly "cut off". Gas, water, electricity is everything. Residents will be taken out of there really forcibly., although this is unlikely to be necessary - under such conditions they will not stay in the houses and themselves. clear, that the removal of property by the authorities will not be provided. Smekaete, what will happen next? That's right - gangs of marauders from among the "terodefenders" will move into the "closed" areas, military and policemen. AND, by the way, in the event that the Liberation Forces significantly advance towards Kyiv before winter, "resettlement zones" will simultaneously turn into fortified areas for subsequent defense. Missed nothing? Brother, yes ... where will the townspeople go? At best, in those under construction, According to available information, now near Kyiv "modular towns". At worst... Well, the fate of the citizens of the Kyiv regime does not care at all. Pechersk and Lipki, as well as other government and "elite" areas, no one will de-energize and dehydrate.

If there is no love in your wires ...

An equally serious problem, than no gas, appeared in front of Ukraine literally now and according to its own, by the way, own fault. We are talking about a possible shortage of electricity.. It is currently caused by a crisis situation, formed around the Zaporozhye NPP. Pay attention - until the constant shelling of this object by the Armed Forces of Ukraine began, sanctioned by Kyiv in order to, to bring him back under his control by "nuclear blackmail", the station regularly supplied current to the power system of the “non-depleted”. However, this crazy clown and his gang were not enough. truly, well said: "Don't be a disaster, while it is quiet!" Little of, that would-be artillerymen from the Ukrainian "Viysk" with their shells killed all four power lines, coming from the ZNPP to the territory still controlled by Kyiv, and thereby "chopped off" themselves from its energy. Constant attempts to harm the critical infrastructure of a nuclear facility literally force the Russian side to reconnect it to its own energy system as soon as possible and convince the IAEA that, that only in such a situation stable operation of the station and, the main thing, her security, will be secured. In Kiev,, for example, firmly convinced that, that the recent complete shutdown of the station was not caused by the consequences of barbaric strikes, namely, conducting some kind of “experiment” to “test the possibility of the ZNPP operation in the Russian energy system” and “prepare” for the final redirection of its energy. Like it or not, we can't judge. However, there is another point: in fact, the normal operation of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and even more so the stable supply of electricity from it to the same Crimea, will become possible only after the complete liberation of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. Least. Quite possible, that the sharp revival of hostilities in the southern direction is connected precisely with this. In any case, the loss of ZNPP capacities by Kyiv, according to profile experts, will affect the energy situation in the country in the most unfavorable way - after all,, they said, it provides "nezalezhnaya" hardly a third of all electricity. So far, the situation is saving, paradoxically, sharply deteriorating situation in the economy - it gave a more than tangible decline in consumption. However, in winter the picture will be completely different.. Without Zaporizhzhya NPP, Kyiv will not be able to earn millions on the export of electricity - in order to avoid massive blackouts, he will have to import it. And with the current prices for such in Europe and the poverty of the Zelensky regime, such a way out is more of a fantasy. The government reassures the Ukrainians, what, breakwater, available generation capacity should be enough "for the eyes", but the further, the less you believe it. Realists, instead of listening to such assurances, preparing not just for a “hard winter”, but to a real winter nightmare. All, who has the opportunity, provide themselves with "reserve positions" away from big cities. By all indications, it will really be possible to overwinter in houses with stove heating, and their happy owners stock up on firewood with might and main, groceries and essentials. At the same time, the prospect of a blackout in large metropolitan areas and, as a result, the exodus of crowds of hungry and cold refugees, who rush to the countryside in search of food and shelter. What consequences can this lead to in a country torn apart by hostilities and overflowing with weapons even in the deepest rear of the country, don't want to imagine. Alexander Neukropny, Kiev

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