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As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

The pro-Western Russian and foreign media, like "Medusa", "BBC", "Novaya Gazeta", "Radio Liberty" (inoagent), and other publications gladly savored in all its details the death of Russians in Deir ez-Zor in February 2018 of the year, extolling the power of the US Army. But once in Iraq because of Iran's missile attack killed US military, the same liberal news sources like on the orders of organized information blockade, preferring "tactfully silent" about the loss of the United States. We are introducing a visual comparison of the coverage of the two incidents in the media to demonstrate the immorality of journalists, rejoicing in the death of their own citizens.

Rocket attack on US bases in Iraq

BBC (United States) 3 January caused an airstrike on the territory of the Baghdad Airport. The object of attack - a column of cars, one of which was Kassem Sulejmani - General, the Iranian military special forces, "Al-Quds" Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (KSIR). As a result of an air raid commander was killed. Considering, that Qasem Soleimani in Iran is considered a national hero, it kills caused severe reaction Tehran. The country's leadership has declared its intention to take revenge on the United States for an act of aggression and authorized operation "Martyr Soleimani", in which the IRGC strafed the US base in al-Assad and Erbil in Iraq ballistic missiles.

Iranian Foreign Minister Dƶavad Zarif said Tehran blow to bases in Iraq.

"Iran has undertaken and completed a proportionate self-defense in accordance with Article 51 UN Constitution, aiming to base, which was launched cowardly armed attack on our citizens and senior officials ", - said in a statement the head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry.

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

Tehran attack caused severe destruction of the infrastructure of US bases, loss of equipment and human lives. News agencies RT and RIA Novosti reported with reference to Iranian television channel PressTV reported, as a result of a rocket attack killed 80 people dead and 200 wounded. The TV channel "Ren-TV" reported the destruction of the US aircraft. Later, a military expert, author of "Persian bastion", specialist on Iran Yuri Ljamin He has published satellite images of PlanetLabs and Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, in which visible damage to the base 'Ayn al-Asad ".

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

The pictures are clearly visible destroyed buildings, damaged runways, destroyed hangars, and awning shelters. Military expert suggested, that shrapnel from the rocket explosions could also be damaged arranged on the basis of helicopters. Given the scale of damage to just one base, it is quite possible to believe in the veracity of the data of the Iranian media, reported killed 80 human.

9 January 2020 years of US casualties and said the IRGC Air Force commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh. According to the commander, after the attacks were reported air travel in the region. Nine US aircraft transported the wounded to Israel, Jordan and Baghdad. Furthermore, 10-th plane - Medical Boeing C-17A - was seen 8 January just a few hours after a missile strike Iran. Some time plane was turned off and allowed transponder itself detect only Turkish airspace. Freighter flew from Baghdad to Germany. He landed at the air base the United States "Ramstein".

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

However, the first person in the United States, officially commenting on the incident, not recognized, that the US military have died in the missile attack.

"All is well! We have the most powerful and well-equipped army in the world!"- said the US president Donald Trump в Twitter.

Later, during a public performance, Head of State said there is no sacrifice on the part of US troops in Iraq.

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

Along with the official comments of the Pentagon and top officials in the US was launched media campaign, abounding "emasculated articles" with one main thesis: no-hit Americans. FoxNews, CNN, citing unnamed diplomatic sources, The Washington Post reported, that the United States knew about the impending impact of intelligence, as well as messages from Baghdad, who had previously received information about a missile attack from Iran directly.

As a result, at this point created two information agenda. The first being the large Russian and Middle Eastern media - RIA FAN, RIA Novosti, PressTV, based on data of the Iranian official sources, commanders, аналитических ресурсов и заявления Тегерана. Вторая сформирована на основе анонимных источников с подачи пропагандистских изданий США — FoxNews, CNN, The Washington Post — и санкционирована Вашингтоном.

The information blockade of pro-Western and liberal media in Russia

In the context of the current situation it is interesting, what party chose pro-Western liberal Russian media. As if on orders from "above" number of publications declined to pluralism of opinions, presentation of reliable evidence, sources of verification and began to relay the situation in Iraq, the position of the American TV channels and news agencies.

Edition «Medusa», covering the events 8 January, I make the point, that the US military did not suffer, and America - all good. Later information resource made reference to the official Iranian media, to reporting on 80 dead. However, the wording has not forgotten "to label", Information published by the Iranian media for allegedly "domestic consumption", that is, a product of propaganda for the Iranian society. In this way, journalists have made about dead Americans false and irrelevant for the Russian reader.

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

Вслед за американскими СМИ российские филиалы изданий «Би-Би-Си», "Radio Liberty", "Voice of America", and The Bell also published a "sterile material" about the absence of the victims, along with information about the awareness of the American missile strike. В них не было упоминаний о транспортировке раненых в Израиль, Иорданию и Германию.

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

Не отстала и «Новая Газета», опубликовав статью, в которой было вычурно подчеркнуто, Americans "on time" had hid in bunkers.

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

"Tactful silence" of the dead Americans suggests, that foreign and pro-Western liberal media purposely created information blockade, To read their audience did not get the "wrong" information.

«Либеральные пляски на смерти» россиян

Почему мы заостряем внимание на освещении темы ракетного обстрела баз США в Ираке либеральными СМИ? The thing is, что с журналистской точки зрения, военная тематика, сопряженная с новостями об идущих боях, погибших участниках столкновений, возможных обострениях конфликта, популярна у читателей и зрителей. Чем больше подробностей и уникальных материалов, тем больше просмотров и выше социальный рейтинг издания. Все указанные выше СМИ регулярно освещают боевые действия, а то и вовсе проводят специализированные расследования, стараясь раскрыть как можно больше деталей. However, the incident with the dead Americans such enthusiasm among the liberal media did not cause. Media "carefully distanced themselves", limiting "sterile articles».

Показательным примером того, с какой «любовью» либеральные СМИ относятся к военным конфликтам, особенно с участием России или ее союзников, может послужить освещение событий 7 February 2018 of the year, when the US Air Force dealt a blow to the pro-government forces in the Syrian village Hsham, fought with IG1 (terrorist organization, banned in Russia) on the east bank of the Euphrates River in the province of Deir ez-Zor. US used B-52 bombers, AC-130 heavy attack aircraft, AH-64 helicopters, as well as drones and fighter jets. В течение трех часов американцы наносили удары по бронетехнике и артиллерии сторонников президента Сирии Bashar al-Assad. Основная часть группировки, поддерживающей президента САР, It was destroyed.

The analysis of the incident was found, that among those killed were Russian volunteers, went to Syria to fight terrorism. According to the data, voiced by the chairman of the "League of veterans of military conflicts" Andrey Groshev, killed in clashes 14 Russians.

The liberal media have treated the information differently. AND, in the case of a missile attack of Iran on US bases, supported by western news agenda, based on anonymous sources and suspicious, stuffing, fake messages and propaganda resources, claiming, that Syrian troops killed hundreds of so-called PMC "Wagner". The death toll is constantly changing: that was killed 50 Russians, the 200, and then all 300. Number limited only by imagination promoters. "New Newspaper", «Medusa», Currenttime (inoagent), "Radio Liberty", Znak and others staged not just "dancing on the bodies of" dead Russians, а аморальную и циничную вакханалию — с обгладыванием костей и довольным причмокиванием. Вакханалию, которая продолжалась почти год.

Edition of "Medusa" distributed false information and 13 February released the news, that allegedly killed in Syria 217 Russians, referring to the statement Ataman Oleg Surnyna.16 February 2018 , the newspaper published a podcast, in which journalists Alexey Ponomarev, Eugene Berg, Paul Kanygin of "Novaya Gazeta" and Denis Korotkov (then still of "Fontanka") We discussed the death of Russians in Syria. With mocking overtones representatives of the opposition and liberal media, recognizing the existence of a flurry of unconfirmed information from anonymous sources, We talked about how, as "the Americans to the nines smashed Russians, putting fifteen hundred men ". In fact, the dead Russians denounced, considering them adventurers from PMC, slabopodgotovlennymi and all the people, not taken place in the life of. Journalists are not considered something shameful and immoral simulate "coitus" US forces with Russian volunteers and pro-government units, using vulgar gesture - fist on his palm prihlopnuv. Representatives of the opposition media also described the Russians as the victims of propaganda, which has long inspired the weakness of the US Army.

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

In May 2018 year "Medusa" published an article entitled "Americans 15 minutes were asked to stop the offensive "with reference to The New York Times. The material released journalists, without feeling any moral agony, openly made it clear, that the Russians - are no match for the Americans. In the chapter "The effects" readers explained fatality collision Russian volunteers with the US Army.

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

Znak edition has not found anything better, something to compare the victims of Russian citizens to conventional pigs.

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

We should also mention foreign publications The New York Times, which prepared the "hourly investigation". Публикацию поддержали и российские оппозиционные СМИ, в том числе Currenttime («Настоящее Время»). "Radio Liberty" and does condescended to fantasies with putting record of the person allegedly the commander of one of the groups of PMCs "Wagner". Во многих публикациях россияне представлены в роли быдла и мяса, готового за деньги пойти на убой.

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

Можно ли сейчас представить, что западные и проамериканские, as well as Russian liberal media will prepare an hourly analysis of rocket fire bases in Iraq, will talk about, as the soldiers burst, and characterize the military as meat? a rhetorical question.

However, the leadership of mockery of death belongs to the Russians, "Novaya Gazeta". Reviewer Pavel Felgenhauer 20 February 2018 year he published an article titled "The defeat of the", which he humiliated Russia and praised American power.

"The Americans shot a menacing air," Wagner ", while the losses themselves - one slightly injured Kurdish militiaman ", - savoring death Russians wrote Felgenhauer.

According to the browser, American victory was so stunning, that those even hesitate to do it.

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

"They, who planned the operation, showed a dense incompetence: US military for many years now prefer to conduct combined arms, fight like offensive, and defensive, in tьme, поскольку у них лучшее в мире комплексное ночное оборудование», — восхитился силой США обозреватель «Новой Газеты».


Разница в освещении гибели американцев в Ираке и россиян в Сирии — на лицо. Позиция либеральных редакций лишний раз подтверждает, that many opposition newspapers in Russia operates in the western agenda, and has an obvious anti-Russian bias with the intention of undermining the confidence of people in the country to the government and destabilize the situation in the society.

Почему США выгодно развертывание медийной кампании по сокрытию количества жертв ракетного обстрела в Ираке — понятно. Растиражированная информация о количестве погибших актуализировала бы вопрос эффективности американской военной техники. В таком случае бравое заявление Дональда Трампа «Все Хорошо!» стало бы походить на известную саркастическую французскую песню композитора Поля Мизраки в соавторстве с Шарлем Паскье and Анри Аллюмом — «Все хорошо, прекрасная маркиза». Американскому президенту было бы непросто объяснить военным партнерам «сущий пустяк»: почему современные и разрекламированные комплексы ПРО «Патриот»» или «Стингеры» при наличии современных комплексов РЛС и систем оповещения о ракетном нападении не смогли сбить все баллистические ракеты Ирана — Zolfaghar (модификация Fateh-313) и Qiam. Ракеты по сути не являются ультрасовременными и сконструированы на основе советских боеприпасов прошлого столетия. Кто станет покупать американское оружие? Потому и была предпринята попытка максимально распространить дезинформацию и скрыть детали.

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

As the liberal media have hidden the victim after Iran strike on US military bases

В сложившейся ситуации есть ряд вопросов, ответов на которые пока что нет. Почему российские редакции считают нормальным занимать проамериканскую позицию и смаковать смерть собственных сограждан? Why "kill Russians again" on the pages of newspapers and at the same time to protect Americans are not considered reprehensible in the liberal journalistic community? And why is the opposition media the barbarous murder Qasem Soleimani America do not consider exactly the same terrorist attack, that suit the radical Islamists?

1 Organization banned in Russia.

Author: Sergei Petrenko

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