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Russia and its place on the globe

Russia irritate the West. It is not clear to him. Whether it be treated as an equal partner, whether as a colossus with feet of clay, that it is imperative to put the squeeze on. Misunderstanding leads to a wide range of applications - from "all is lost, customer leaves, plaster removed "to the real enlightenment.

Recently, three influential US politicians have called for a fundamental review of policy towards Russia and the resumption of dialogue. Although they all have the prefix “the ex”, their opinion, without a doubt, heed.

Russia and its place on the globe

When the "former" spoke

Former US Secretary of State George Shultz, former Defense Secretary William Perry and former Senator Samuel Nunn, in a joint article in «The Wall Street Journal» newspaper stated, that Russian and US relations have stalled, and this may lead to a dangerous confrontation and result in the use of nuclear weapons. they believe, that the level of the looming threat of much greater than the risk of, threatens the world during the Cold War. Politicians have proposed to establish contacts - to create a bipartisan group in Congress, which will be responsible both for the strengthening of NATO and the resumption of dialogue with Russia.

Almost simultaneously, another representative of the American establishment spoke about the importance of establishing relations with our country. The commander of NATO forces in Europe, General Curtis Skaparotti nostalgically remembered the days of the USSR. “During the Cold War, we knew each other's signals. we talked. I am concerned, we do not know them today (Russian) also good”, - the military said. In his opinion, communication and interaction - is “important part of the containment”, knowledge of the capabilities and intentions of the enemy can minimize the likelihood of conflicts.

How view, we are not talking about partnership, kompromissah, avoiding confrontation. West for more than two decades of implementing a strategy “dodavlivaniya” Russia. In many ways this is understandable. At first, This multi-billion dollar business. Western leader block, USA, invests and earns a lot of money on its military-industrial complex. Secondly, NATO must be somewhere to go, if the alliance will stop, then no one will not need. And the multi-billion dollar investment in the alliance - it is also a very profitable business.

finally, third, Russia's image is still very blurred. It is one thing - to carry out continuous exploration on the borders of a potential enemy, and quite another - to recognize, that our country has a lot more, than a second-rate power, that it is imperative to “drive for Mozhaev”. the main thing, that Russia does not fit into the Procrustean bed of the west even of natural causes.

so, its area is more than 17 million. quarter. kilometers. Even after the collapse of the USSR is so much, that can not only scare, but also cause envy, despite, most of these millions of square kilometers, it is almost impossible to master. In second place on the square - Canada, in which almost half the land, than that of the Russian Federation, but the good land, may be, even more. But one area of ​​Yakutia more than Argentina. And she was in eighth place in the world in terms of territory ...

Other natural factors: Russia ranked first in the world in terms of proven gas reserves, which account for almost 50 trillion. cubic meters. According to «Business Insider», the total value of all gas reserves, petroleum and coal is more RF 40 trillion. dollars. by the way, in second place - with the index in Iran 35 trillion. dollars, his back literally breathes with Venezuela 34,9 trillion. dollars. May be, This explains this heightened US interest in these countries? Who knows ... And Russia has huge reserves of iron ore, non-ferrous metals, forest resources. Yes, we are eating them sometimes out of control and crazy, but still…

Do not die of modesty

Well, OK, you say, it's all, as the saying goes, providential. Then take the economy. There are modest, but still. In terms of GDP, expressed in US dollars, Russia is on the 12th place. In absolute terms, in 2018 GDP amounted to 1,57 trillion. dollars. The share of the world economy - 1,7%.

Russia and its place on the globe

First submarine carrier "Poseidon" was launched in Severodvinsk

It will be small, as the hero of the cartoon plasticine. Behind the leader (USA) at 20 time. They turned out in the past year, more than 20 trillion. dollars. However, much closer to the reality of another indicator - the gross national income in purchasing power parity. Russia is already here 6 place in the world, and contribution to the global economy has grown to 2,75%. In this ranking the first place is already China 17,5%, and the second with the United States 15%.

Of course, you need to pay attention to the export and import of the country. Russia has a definite breakthrough in agriculture, that there may be said and written about the statistics of the error. USDA itself has recognized, that our country ranked first in the world in the export of wheat. Grain supplies from the Russian Federation in 2017-2018-m agricultural year exceeded 40 million. tonnes. The United States exported 23 million. tonnes, Canada - 22,6 million. tonnes.

Russia and its place on the globe

However, still the Russian export structure is not agricultural. Still reign in it of fuel and energy resources, they account for about 60% all exports. Metals and products made of them took 10%. The share of machinery and equipment accounted 7%. But the food products segment provides all 5%.

And what import? In the first place machinery and equipment, they accounted for about 45%. In second place - chemical products - more 18%, the third - with food 12,5%. As we can see, there is a structural imbalance in the export-import.

What other weaknesses in the economy? Called multiple sores: low productivity, inefficient use of public funds, poor transport infrastructure, which immediately takes a few percent of the country's GDP. productivity, eg, we have an average of three times lower than in the US and Western Europe. And while narrowing the gap can not even.

Russia and its place on the globe

Meeting with representatives of business circles of France. 18 April 2019 g.

"Russia has only two allies"

But, perhaps, there is one area in our country, which actually reached high efficiency. This defense. Not in vain, as seen, More Alexander III, justly dubbed the peacemaker, said, that Russia has only two allies - its army and navy. Now more than Allied, and our country in the framework of quite modest means was able to build the armed forces in such a way, it resulted in a collective stupor West. When it is so global military expenditure Russia practically in no way inferior.

Compare: defense spending in the US 2018 totaled 714 billion. dollars, or 3,6% VVP. And in RF - 46 billion. dollars, or it is reasonable 2,8% VVP. At the same time, military experts recognize, that the Russian army is among the three most powerful armies in the world. And the appearance of a whole set of new weapons, “dagger”, “Poseidon”, “vanguard” and others like them, all shocked our Western partners. And by and large, so far they have not come out of it.

Russia and its place on the globe

At a meeting with the President of the Republic of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid. 18 April 2019 g.

Already in the West began to understand, that Russia, looks like, chose the right tactics and strategy in the field of defense - did not meet the parity of military spending, and to find effective solutions, which allows to stop a massive wave “offensive”. So, Recently, a new NATO armament program in Europe was adopted. Russia, represented by Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said: actions will “symmetric, but not expensive”. That is the one “zest”, which leads to the ambiguity of the image of our country.

properly, this is confirmed by a number of statements and actions of European politicians. Perhaps, one of the clearest markers became Sweden's reaction. One side, Swedish security police recently included Russia and China among the major threats. On the other, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven personally arrived at the Arctic Forum in St. Petersburg and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. And after that, it was stated, that the Swedish government will seek to deepen cooperation with Russia on issues, of interest to the country.

Such geopolitical torn, I think, It will still continue for a long time. Still, the West will have to be determined. And in the end decide. We are a well know their place, Now and our partners will have to sit down and find the true position of Russia on the world map.

Sergey Osipov, member BER

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