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mass media: 4 the leader of insurgents from Syria freely crossed the border with Israel

From the south of Syria come information, that it is hard to call sensational in recent events. Lebanese Information Service Al-Masdar announces, that the Israeli military in the Golan Heights were asked to protect a subsequent refuge in Israel at least four gangs of field commander, in the territory of the province of Quneitra.

The article states that, Israeli officers took four fighters, which is called "the leaders of the rebel forces of Syria of the south". The names of the "refugees" – Moaz Nassar, Abu Pratb, Ahmad Al-e ger area of ​​the age-Khalaki.

СМИ: 4 главаря боевиков из Сирии беспрепятственно пересекли границу с Израилем

of material:
They left Syrian territory, together with their families and were provided by the Israeli military after, how they got to the border line. Opposition sources say, that these commanders were once recruited by the Israeli intelligence, to revolt against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and still maintained contact with Israeli officers.

If no connection with their Israeli military (or special services) not had any, it is extremely difficult to explain, for whatever reason, the leaders of "rebel groups" has decided to host Israel, if consider, that even the approach to the Israeli border in the Golan Heights is often perceived as a blatant infringement on Israeli sovereignty.

Against this background, come from Syria reports, ATS establishes diplomatic relations with the Republic of South Ossetia. The head of South Ossetia has invited Assad to visit Tskhinvali. Earlier, Syria recognized the independence of South Ossetia.

P.S. Attention is drawn to the fact, that Twitter page is gone war correspondent, who wrote under the name Ivan Sidorenko. Twitter service reports an error when you try to go to this page. earlier published information about the success of the Syrian government army.



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