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Best T-72 tank in the world has now become “city” tank

The Syrian conflict has once again demonstrated, that requires special modifications of armored troops for fighting in settlements. Such a machine for several years there in Russia – it was created in Nizhny Tagil, He writes “Bulletin of Mordovia”.

The best tank in the world T-72 has now become the & quot; urban" tank

"The main difference between the modernized external tank T-72 set urban protection is the presence of a strong dozer, which has the designation TBS-86. With this device “semdesyatdvoyka” It is able to destroy the barricade and high piles ", – according to the material Lev Romanov.

Also striking installed on a tower armored cabin. It will allow to save the life of the commander of the machine during use of heavy machine gun.

"Experts, true, still have not come to the same conclusion, what's better: this cabin or remotely-controlled devices. The thing is, that this kit can be installed on existing tanks without significant alteration of their, while the control will require more serious costs for modernization ", – explains the author.

It is necessary to mention the new modular dynamic protection, installed in the front of the turret and hull, as well as on the sides of the "urban" tank. The back part is covered by the special latticed screens. Also available equipment, which suppresses the operation of radio-controlled bombs.

The best tank in the world T-72 has now become the & quot; urban" tank

The tank is equipped with an engine capacity 1000 hp, maximum speed combat vehicle – 60 km / h, the weight – 50 tonnes.

"Military experts spoke highly of “city” by Uralvagonzavod tank, rightly believing that the development of one of the best in the world. expected, that his, as BMPT, experience in Syria, but as long as this war machine we see only on firing ranges and gun shows ", – the author concludes.

meanwhile, the very history of the T-72 – even in its classic version – little known to a wider audience. This shortcoming has decided to correct the site Publisher writes.

by armored vehicles Soviet tank experts are well aware of the T-72, which has become the most widespread in the second half of the XX century. However, few people know, that the creation of the armored vehicles would be impossible without the "Object 167" experimental tank.

Development of the car began in Nizhny Tagil 1961 in honor of the XXII Congress of the CPSU, original goal of the project was to improve the characteristics of the tank T-62 at the expense of a new chassis and a more powerful motor, but in the end the developers have created a fundamentally new tank, surpassing all existing at that time equivalents.

Kits borrowed from tank T-62 tower, but made it in quite a few changes – increased the size of, changed hatches thickness. The primary arms "object 167" was 125 mm smoothbore gun D-81.

The armor protection of the new tank was slightly reduced to save weight in the maximum permissible limits – frontal armor thickness of the "object 167" was 80 millimeters, side casing sheets reached in thickness 70 millimeters. In this case, the crew compartment plate of protection of the anti-radiation material.

The "heart" of the tank was the engine B-26, which has improved dynamic properties armored. Its capacity was 700 Horse power. The developers have also reworked suspension – increasing the effective length of the torsion achieved more Ride tanka.Vpervye in the world "Object 167" was autoloader, thereby reducing crew, removing it from the charging. Ural Machine tank gun proved so successful, that in the end it started to install even on tanks, produced major competitor Uralians – Kharkov Plant of Transport Engineering.
"Object 167" successfully passed state tests, the results of which had been recommended to the adoption, However, the Kremlin made a bet on the Kharkov tank T-64. Decision was taken personally Nikita Khrushchev. A Uralians developments have been used in the future T-72, which many experts believe the best tank of his time.

"Object 187"
Work on a secret tank "Object 187" began in 1986 in the framework of the project "Improvement of T-72B". As a result, the light appeared deep modernization of one of the best tanks of the XX century.
Designers abandoned imposed from above "Kharkiv" design, which was used in the case of T-64. The nose of the tank lengthened, thereby place the driver's mechanics left in the depths of the machine body, and surveillance equipment is now mine out through the roof of the housing.
The T-64 and its "successors" devices to be displayed through the top of the frontal piece, that resulted in a significant weakening of the front armor. Besides, arrangement allowed the new position the book with a more rational angles to combat armor-piercing projectiles.
Traditional cast welded turret replaced, for which it was used a special sheet products. Armor for the first time completed the dynamic protection complex, on board hung latticed screens, established a complex optical suppression "blind". The system became a prototype of the future complex "Relic".
The main striking force of the "object 187" became the newest 125-mm smoothbore gun 2A66 with the most advanced at that time, the fire control system in the world. According to experts, tanks potential opponents something similar appeared only through 10-15 years.

The best tank in the world T-72 has now become the & quot; urban" tank

A promising propulsion for the tank selected X-shaped monoblock A power-85-2 1200 Horse power. The engine was located in the engine-transmission compartment lengthwise – as B-2 to T-34 – which simplifies the assembly. Besides, long path contributed to a significant cooling of the exhaust gas and effectively reduce the thermal signature of the tank.

During the test one of the armored vehicles shot at the landfill – Inspectors were impressed by the outstanding protection, which effectively confront virtually all existing at the time antitank weapons.

Urals made several attempts to get a table to put a good "object 187" adopted, however, the Ministry of Defense made a bet on a cheaper and simpler design, which provided a minimum revision of T-72B. Currently, several experimental tank samples are stored in a museum of armored vehicles in Kubinka.


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