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Vucic obayasnil, why never will introduce sanctions against Russia

Serbs cherish the friendship with Russia, so Belgrade would not join the EU anti-Russian sanctions, RIA Novosti reported statement by the President of the Republic Aleksandar Vučić.

Вучич объяснил, почему никогда не введёт санкций против РФ

I always declare, that we will never join the European Union sanctions against the Russian Federation, Vucic said in an interview with the German Rheinische Post.

He also spoke about his attitude to the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin.

I know him very well and I feel great respect for him. And I know, that Serbia can rely on him. Thrice urgently I needed his help, and three times I was immediately able to contact him by phone, the president said.

Besides, he noted, that he had never heard of Vladimir Putin's objections to the country's desire to join the EU.

Vucic added, that Serbia's membership in NATO would be a problem for Moscow, "But such an outcome would not be in any case, as Belgrade prefers to remain neutral ".



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