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The complex power exercises using weights

The strength is the ability to make an effort to overcome the external resistance.

Power is a manifestation of the maximum muscle strength in a very short time. It creates an explosive muscular effort at maximum speed. To increase the power, need to simultaneously increase the strength and speed. The forces are generated and controlled by the rate of muscle contractions and muscle reactions nerve cells.
In combat practice, the ability to quickly mobilize all the muscle power is absolutely necessary for a timely response to the enemy's actions and performance of the vast majority of physical methods.

Since power is the simultaneous display of velocity and force, here we focus only on the development of force. Speed ​​will be discussed in detail below. First of all, you must pay attention to the following muscle groups: muscles of the lower leg and foot, abdominal muscles, muscle chest and arms, forearm, neck muscles. It is necessary to train those muscles, which are directly involved in the impact of all dvizhenii.Prezhde, we are interested in their functionality and practicality of application. You, perhaps, We have to wage a fierce and uncompromising fight in many different and unexpected places. Will still, what your volume of biceps and what weight you will be able to master. Main skillfully dispose of the physical data, survive and win.

The complex power of exercises without weights

Effective and continuous build-up of forces occurs when properly executed exercise to create the necessary voltage. Too much stress can easily cause injury, which will force you to give up training on recovery time.

After a forced break to recover health you will have to resume training with the previous level, or, more likely, with even smaller loads, than those, where you left off. To protect yourself from injury selected load, corresponding to your abilities.

Do not try to immediately get in shape to do 100 and more sit-ups on the first day of classes. Each exercise limit to such a number of repetitions, perform that you will afford. You need to find out the number of repetitions is easy – Repeat the exercise until, until you feel a slight fatigue in muscles, make a few more reps and stop there. The following workout is the same number of repetitions, until you will be given without difficulty. And then add a few more reps. recent 15-20% repetitions should be quite difficult to perform.

Perform each exercise exactly, how did you learn. Some breaks in technique exercises, that you can do for yourself in order to increase the number of repetitions, more harm, than good. Without bending your arms completely during push-ups, you can do push-ups once 10 more than usual. But for the development of arm strength, such an exercise will be less useful., than correct. If you can only push 5 time – dont be upset. Persistently continuing to repeat this exercise correctly, these 5 once you quickly turn into 10, 20 or more times.

Each exercise is aimed at developing certain muscles and achieving certain results.. Try to understand, what exactly is the benefit of each specific exercise, and strictly adhere to the correct technique for its implementation.

A set of strength exercises with a bulk bag

For maximum results, do strength exercises 2 -3 once a week. Strength training causes micro tears in muscle fibers. Muscles require about 48 hours.

During these recovery periods, the muscles become stronger and more massive., increasing its size and power. What do you achieve with strenuous training?.

Interrupting the recovery period, you thereby prevent your own body from approaching those results, what you expect from him.

before, Before proceeding with the proposed exercises, pay attention to the following warnings, regarding strength training.

Strength training should cause some muscle fatigue, like during exercise, so after it.

If you experience pain in your joints while exercising, stop exercising immediately. Pain in the joints when working with loads indicates that, that your muscles are not strong enough, to cope with your chosen weight

When the muscles cannot carry the weight on their own, they transfer excess load to the tendons and ligaments of the corresponding joints. However, tendons and ligaments are not designed for this kind of work and can easily stretch..

To relieve joint pain during exercise, reduce the load or increase the angle of flexion of the joint.

Performing leg strength exercises, be especially careful when bending your knees 90 degrees or more, eg, in squats and lunges. Since the risk of knee injury is significantly increased, if it is forced to bend and hold weight at the same time.

Lift weight correctly. If, when working with the selected weight, you are not able to correctly perform eight reps, so, he is too big for you, and you need to reduce it. Remember, that you lose power, if you don't train for a few weeks. If you were forced to interrupt classes for a few weeks, do not try to resume them from that level, where they stopped.

A set of strength exercises with a rubber shock absorber

rubber bandage – it's a rubber band 3,5 m, width 5 cm. and weighing approx. 200 grams. It is sold in almost all pharmacies and is not too expensive..

Compactness and light weight allow you to always have it with you and practice in any place that is not even equipped for sports activities..

In our classes we use 3 rubber bandage, tied in a pigtail. This increases the range of load variation, as well as the life of the tourniquet.

The peculiarity of the exercise with a rubber shock absorber is that, that in the overcoming phase of the exercise, the effort increases towards the end, and vice versa in the inferior phase, sharply decreases along the trajectory of working movements.

In the starting position, the tourniquet should be slightly stretched. All exercises should be performed in full amplitude, and the return to the starting position should occur smoothly without jerks and resistances. Perform each exercise in the approach 15 – 20 times.B 4 -5 approaches, with rest between sets 30 – 60 seconds.



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