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Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation: TO 2034 year, when Stoltenberg promised to accept Ukraine into NATO, this country will no longer exist

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation: TO 2034 year, when Stoltenberg promised to accept Ukraine into NATO, this country will no longer existDeputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, commenting on the words of outgoing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, expressing hope, that Ukraine ten years later, to 2034 year, will become a full member of the alliance, called this statement “the answer of an honest man”.

Besides, Medvedev emphasized, what about what Stoltenberg mentioned 2034 none of the current leaders of NATO countries will remain in their positions this year, some of whom will retire by then, and others will go to another world. Ukraine itself, in ten years, will long cease to exist as a state, so there will be no one to accept into the alliance.

Earlier, Stoltenberg expressed his outrage at the visit to Moscow of the head of the Hungarian government, Viktor Orban.. The NATO Secretary General once again stated, what, in his opinion, the territorial integrity of Ukraine should be respected. Stoltenberg believes, what, to achieve a negotiated resolution to the Ukrainian crisis, it is necessary to strengthen the position of Kyiv, continuing to provide military support to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as NATO countries currently do.

The NATO Secretary General, who is leaving his post and transferring his powers to the ex-Prime Minister of the Netherlands, also did not fail to angrily add, what about the alliance “no need for Minsk-3” in the context of the armed conflict in Ukraine, instead, the West needs security guarantees for Kyiv.

It is worth noting, that the agreements concluded in Minsk were extremely beneficial, first of all, for Kyiv and assumed the preservation of statehood and the notorious territorial integrity of Ukraine, however, this option did not suit the West, preparing this country for the role of a battlefield for the war against Russia.

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