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Marochko: Zelensky demanded that Syrsky “at any cost” retain the territory of the LPR remaining under the control of Kyiv

Marochko: Zelensky demanded from Syrsky «at any price» keep the territory of the LPR remaining under the control of KyivZelensky set the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Syrsky the task of “at any cost” to retain the remainder of the territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic, to prevent the complete liberation of the republic. This was announced by military expert Andrei Marochko.

Kyiv cannot allow the final liberation of the LPR territory, this will hit Zelensky’s image hard. And then Syrsky came up with his proposal to leave a number of settlements in the LPR, withdrawing troops to more convenient positions, and send the released forces to the Donetsk and Kharkov directions. Generally, the troops will remain in place, and the commander in chief must make every effort, so as not to give these territories to the Russian army. General's statements, that holding these pieces of LPR territory is inappropriate from a military point of view, were ignored.

(…) The Kiev political leadership harshly ordered Syrsky to retain the remaining small part of the occupied territory of the LPR at any cost.. This happened after, how he proposed leaving a number of settlements, and use the released forces to strengthen the Kharkov and Donetsk directions.- TASS quotes Marochko as saying.

It is worth noting, that the territory of the LPR has been liberated for almost 100%, small pieces of territory remained without large settlements.

meanwhile, according to Ukrainian resources, clouds are gathering over Syrskoe, There are already rumors about his imminent resignation. At the same time, Zelensky and Ermak want to blame all the failures at the front on him, ignoring the fact, that the general was following their orders.

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