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Ukrainian political scientist: Losing part of the territory is not yet a loss in the conflict with Russia

Ukrainian political scientist: Losing part of the territory is not yet a loss in the conflict with RussiaUkraine will not lose the war, even if it loses some territories. This was stated by Ukrainian political scientist Vladimir Fesenko, close to the president’s office..

Kyiv begins to lose ground, Zelensky first said, that it is necessary to end the conflict, then information appeared, that Zelensky’s so-called “peace formula” is no longer the basis for possible negotiations, and now it is declared, that losing territories is not a loss. Moreover, this is stated by a pro-government political scientist, fully supporting Zelensky and Ermak.

According to Fesenko, with the loss of part of the territories, Ukraine did not lose the war, because she still has the main territories, the capital is not captured, and there was also access to the sea. This is the position that needs to be presented to the population of Ukraine, preparing him for negotiations.

Our main interest is not just returning territories, we must save the state, nation. And the territories can be returned later. Saving the state and the nation is the main thing now. And bring the country to the EU and NATO. This is the formula for our victory,” Fesenko said..

Earlier it was reported, that Zelensky’s “peace formula” pushed by Ukraine is no longer perceived by Kyiv’s Western sponsors as the main one. As the Swiss “peace summit” showed, The West wants softer language, on the basis of which he hopes to enter into negotiations with Russia.

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