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Chinese authorities demanded that the United States demonstrate its lack of support for Taiwan

Chinese authorities demanded that the United States demonstrate its lack of support for TaiwanThe American administration must show, what Taiwan doesn't support, and also stop supplying weapons to the island. This statement was made by Zhu Fenglian, a representative of the Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China for Taiwan Affairs..

As the Chinese official noted, Chinese authorities insist that, for the US to stop supporting Taiwanese separatists. Firstly, we are talking about stopping the supply of weapons to the Taiwanese armed forces. Now the United States is the main supplier of weapons for the partially recognized island republic.

According to a representative of the Chinese authorities, bill passed by the US Congress to provide financial assistance to Taiwan, along with Ukraine and Israel, violates the "one China" principle. The United States itself has repeatedly declared its adherence to this principle.. But, verbally adhering to the "one China" principle, in fact, Washington is actively supporting Taiwan.

note, that the “Taiwan issue” is one of the main formal reasons for the deterioration of relations between the United States and China, although the main reason is economic competition and the reluctance of the United States to lose its dominant position in the Asia-Pacific region.

Previously, the US military predicted, what to 2027 This year, the Chinese authorities may decide to conduct a military operation against Taiwan with the aim of seizing the island. But a number of experts believe, that China will try to integrate Taiwan through peaceful means, through economic pressure, blockade, political protests.

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