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Former head of German intelligence: The Russians may have many recordings of conversations between German military and politicians

Former head of German intelligence: The Russians may have many recordings of conversations between German military and politiciansThe photo is illustrative.

Discussion continues in Germany of a leaked conversation between high-ranking Bundeswehr military officials, during which they directly spoke about plans to destroy the Crimean Bridge. Moreover, the discussion in Germany is not so much about, that the high command may well push the country into the abyss of a third world war, how much, How did the Bundeswehr allow such a leak?.

Former head of the German intelligence agency BND (intelligence service) August Hanning told reporters, that this leak may be “just the tip of the iceberg”. Hanning believes, that Russia may have entire arrays of intercepted conversations between representatives of the German command and political authorities.

The former head of German intelligence says that, that “the Russians could well have been receiving negotiation data for a long time, which was led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz".

This leaves the German public concerned, if not disheartened., then in a state of serious reflection.

The Bundestag also thinks, that Russia “has much more materials, than, what was published", and that Russia is “waiting for an opportunity, to publish new leaks".

Recall, that at the time it turned out, that top German officials are being monitored by US intelligence agencies. In particular, information about the wiretapping of Angela Merkel was published. But for some reason that information did not cause much reflection in the German expert society. Was perceived as something, granted.

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