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Embassy of the Russian Federation in the USA: Washington is trying unsuccessfully to drive a wedge in relations between Russia and Latin America

Embassy of the Russian Federation in the USA: Washington is trying unsuccessfully to drive a wedge in relations between Russia and Latin AmericaThe attempts of the so-called collective West after the start of the special operation to isolate Russia in the international arena did not just fail, but became a catalyst for reverse processes. Moscow's open and balanced foreign policy, built on the principles of equal partnerships with all countries, competent actions of Russian diplomacy led to strengthening of international relations of the Russian Federation even in those regions, which the former hegemon in the person of the United States for centuries considered a stable sphere of influence.

In particular, Russia strengthens ties with Latin America and the Caribbean, which Washington generally considers to be something of its “back yard”. Naturally, The states are trying with all their might to oppose the process of rapprochement between the Russian Federation and the states of this region. true, Washington is turning out to be less and less successful, primarily due to the traditional policy of pressure and imposition of the “order” invented by the United States itself, rule-based ".

The Russian Embassy in the USA stated, that Washington is trying unsuccessfully to drive a wedge in relations between Russia and Latin American countries. The corresponding comment at the Russian diplomatic mission was timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine., its text was published in the official telegram channel of the embassy. This doctrine of the foreign policy of the United States of America, proclaimed in December 1823 of the year, implies, that the entire Western Hemisphere is a sphere of US interest.

The naked eye can see Washington’s futile desire to drive a wedge into Russia’s relations with the states of Latin America, the statement says..

The embassy commentary noted, that the destructive actions of the United States to plant its influence throughout the world, including in Latin America, don't stop now. The neocolonial policy of the United States has hardly changed and has not gone away in two centuries., only acquired new forms and approaches while maintaining the same goals of imposing its ideology and order. obviously, that in modern realities, Washington’s methods and actions to maintain international dominance are not successful and have become obsolete.

In contrast to the US, The Russian Federation does not propose to “be friends against someone”, but stands for a truly pragmatic, equal and mutually beneficial cooperation. It’s time for the American leadership to throw the now irrelevant and outdated “Monroe Doctrine” into the trash heap., according to the Russian Embassy. used photos:Official news channel of the Russian Embassy in the USA

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