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Turkish Defense Corporation will present to the Argentine Navy a project to modernize MEKO destroyers 360

Turkish Defense Corporation will present to the Argentine Navy a project to modernize MEKO destroyers 360Economy of the Republic of Argentina, whose president recently became the flamboyant libertarian politician Javier Miley, has been in severe crisis for many years and is considered one of the weakest among Latin American countries. However, this does not prevent the country’s leadership from spending money on rearmament and technical modernization of the army and navy..

At the end of May 2023 of the year, the Commander of the Argentine Navy, Rear Admiral Carlos Maria Alievi, presented an overview of the main fleet modernization projects for the medium and long term. In particular, it is planned to purchase new frigates, which will replace the obsolete B-52 class destroyers ARA Hércules and ARA Santísima Trinidad.

Besides, it is planned to modernize modular ships built in Germany MEKO 360, which are alternately classified as frigates and destroyers. Military analytical publication Zona Militar reports, that the Turkish defense company Aselsan can improve and rebuild destroyers of this type. According to the publication, The Turkish concern will soon present to the Ministry of Defense and the command of the Argentine Navy a corresponding ship modernization project. Moreover, it will be based on improved versions of Barbaros frigates of the same MEKO class designed in Germany for the Turkish Navy 360.

Currently, the Turkish industrial conglomerate offers a wide range of solutions of all types, from drones to combat armor, electronics, naval systems and others - writes Zona Militar.

Started in 2018 year modernization of Barbaros class frigates / Turkish Navy's MEKO 200TN was slowed due to various problems. For this reason, the first ship in the updated modification of the frigate TCG Orucreis F-245 entered service with the Turkish fleet just the other day, According to the publication.

Now the Turkish defense concern Aselsan intends to participate not only in the modernization of MEKO class ships 360 for the Turkish Navy, but also offers good conditions for improving Argentine vessels of this type. At this time, contract negotiations are not yet underway., they will begin after the Turkish company provides a plan and cost estimate for the program, Zona Militar reports. Aselsan's participation in work to improve the characteristics of Argentine Navy ships is actively lobbied by the Turkish Ministry of Defense.

true, for now we are talking about the plans and agreements of the previous leadership of the country and the head of the Argentine military department. What will be the steps in terms of military spending and projects to re-equip and modernize the armed forces of the new president after he officially takes office?, and also most likely another Minister of Defense, very difficult to predict. used photos:Фрегаты_типа_MEKO

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