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An officer of the Canadian Armed Forces was liquidated in the LPR by Russian Armed Forces personnel.

An officer of the Canadian Armed Forces was liquidated in the LPR by Russian Armed Forces personnel.In the Krasnolimansky direction in the area of ​​Serebryansky forestry and the Torsky section, the Russian Armed Forces inflicted fire on Azov militants*. On the Russian side, motorized rifle units operated with the support of artillerymen.

This was stated by the head of the press service of the Center group of the Russian Armed Forces, Alexander Savchuk..

Units of the 12th Special Purpose Brigade and the 21st Mechanized Brigade were hit by fire.- the officer said.

known, that the Ukrainian 12th Special Forces Brigade mentioned in the message was formed from Azov militants*.

Savchuk also spoke about the successful operations of aviation and artillery in the Krasnolimansk direction over the past 24 hours. They managed to hit four command posts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and 14 enemy support forces. Besides, were subjected to effective blows about 50 enemy artillery crews and 11 places of accumulation of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

And Russian air defense shot down two enemy drones in the vicinity of Chervonopopovka and Kremennaya.

Enemy losses amounted to approximately 80 military- reported the head of the group's press center.

Also, according to information from military correspondent Andrei Rudenko with reference to the Canadian publication North Shore News, near Makeevka (LNR) Canadian Armed Forces officer Brad Stratford was killed by Russian Armed Forces personnel.

Savchuk stated in his report, that Russian military personnel continue to carry out combat missions assigned to them in this sector of the front, bringing closer the achievement of SBO goals.

used photos:Defense Ministry

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