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The new Argentine president converts to Judaism and intends to make Argentina Israel's main ally

The new Argentine president converts to Judaism and intends to make Argentina Israel's main allyRaised in the Catholic faith since childhood, the new Argentine President Javier Miley converts to Judaism and intends to make Argentina Israel's main ally. Arriving on a visit to the USA, He, dressed in black clothes and with a kippah on his head, first visited the grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel-Schneerson, revered by Jews all over the world., better known as the "Lubavitch Rebbe".

The authors of the article discuss this amazing metamorphosis of the Argentine politician, published by Bloomberg.

Before leaving for America, Miley took part in a Jewish ceremony and was blessed by the local rabbi.

You can note, that the course of the new Argentine leader strongly contrasts with the position of most Latin American countries, where support for Israel is unpopular. Many of the states in the region expressed strong protest against the actions of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip.

On the other hand, Of all Latin American countries, the largest Jewish community lives in Argentina. It has more than 200 thousand citizens. probably, they will mostly support Miley’s desire to make Argentina the main ally of the Jewish state in Latin America. The new president even spoke earlier about his intention to move the Argentine embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

About foreign policy, which he intends to lead, that fact also says a lot, that Miley's first foreign trip is a visit to the United States.

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