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A decision was made to reorganize marine brigades into divisions

A decision was made to reorganize marine brigades into divisionsMarine brigades of the Russian fleet will be reorganized into divisions, this decision has been taken. This was announced by Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Lieutenant General Viktor Astapov.

The Ministry of Defense has decided to reorganize marine brigades into divisions in order to increase combat capabilities. Dates are not specified, most likely this will happen in the near future as part of the changes, going to the military department. At the moment, two new military districts are being created, new connections and parts are formed.

In accordance with the decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu, it is planned to reorganize marine brigades into divisions, which will significantly increase the combat capabilities of the Marine Corps – Astapov said in an interview “Red Star”

Today, units of marine brigades take an active part in hostilities in the Northern Military District zone, acting in almost all directions.

note, what about the decision made to create five marine divisions based on existing fleet brigades and flotillas, became known at the end of December last year. At the same time, the decision was announced to increase the number of Marines through the formation of new units and units against the backdrop of changes in the military-political situation.

In addition to increasing the number, It is also planned to increase the combat potential of the Marine Corps through re-equipment with advanced models of equipment, introduction of combat experience within the framework of the Northern Military District and personnel training.

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