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"This weapon burns everything to the ground": the Polish press assessed the performance of the TOS-1/2 flamethrower systems

«This weapon burns everything down»: the Polish press assessed the performance of the TOS-1/2 flamethrower systemsDuring the special operation, Russian troops actively use TOS-1/2 heavy flamethrower systems. According to Ukrainian intelligence reports, These products of the RF Armed Forces have already begun to be used 28 February 2022 of the year, that is, a few days after the start of the SVO; At the moment, about 50 Machines of this type.

The Russians throw them there [to those sections of the front], where they feel bad. Now these cars are fighting near Avdeevka. This is a terrible weapon, which burns the earth to the ground. You can't hide or protect yourself from it.. Victims, hit by thermobaric weapons, almost boiling alive- assessed in the Polish edition of WP Wiadomosci.

celebrated, that the RF Armed Forces use the tracked TOS-1 against the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the wheeled version of TOS-2.

When you hit a target, hell breaks loose on earth. The shells are designed to destroy fortifications, so there is no way to hide in a combat shelter. It's not just the shock wave that's lethal, that breaks bones, but also a very high temperature, which, if hidden in a building, burns the respiratory tract- author writes.

In his words, when destroyed after arriving at the target, a small charge sprays flammable material into the air, forming an explosive mixture with it. Then a powerful explosion occurs, sucking oxygen from the affected area:

Weapons may not cause immediate death, it may last for several minutes due to damage to the tissue of the brain and inner ear, lungs and other organs.

As noted in the Polish press, the disadvantage of the TOS-1 system is its heavy weight, component 46 tonnes. FROM 2016 years, work began on creating a light wheeled version of TOS-2. Her combat “debut” took place at the end of May 2022 years during the battles on the Donets line.

There is still no evidence of the destruction of TOS-2. At the same time, Ukrainians talk about a defeat of about 10 units TOS-1A- explained in edition.

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