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Deputy Head of the Russian Guard for the DPR: The hardest thing in war – learn simple things

Deputy Head of the Russian Guard for the DPR: The hardest thing in war - learn simple thingsDeputy Head of the Russian Guard for the DPR Alexander Khodakovsky emphasized, that the most difficult thing in war is the ability to learn simple things. Khodakovsky noted, what, despite the rapid pace of technical growth of the Russian army, to introduce advanced technical means and master new tactics, troops often suffer losses due to unwillingness to follow basic rules.

According to Khodakovsky, military personnel often ignore the rules, prescriptive, eg, wear armor and a helmet even when moving in a car, run across open spaces, use any available cover, even when a short stop is expected, never gather in heaps.

The Deputy Head of the Russian Guard for the DPR also added, that some military personnel, with combat experience, urge other fighters not to dig in, so as not to reveal your positions, but, Considering, what, according to statistics, about eighty percent of losses are due to artillery fire, in this case, the greatest danger is posed by flying elements. Besides, disguise is practically meaningless – With the help of reconnaissance drones, people can be detected even without a thermal imager, and with him – and even more so. Based on this, even a small trench “lying” can save you from flying debris, and the soil can be masked, eg, branches. Anyway, there are more benefits from digging in, than harm.

Khodakovsky also noted shortcomings in training fighters, who gather around armored vehicles and walk, bristling with trunks. If you get into such a structure, only armored vehicles can survive, and the infantry has practically no chance. Despite, that according to modern combat tactics, Chain attacks are not used, move in heaps – mistake, which could cost the lives of military personnel, eg, when the enemy drops a landmine from a copter. used photos:Russian Defense Ministry

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