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"Received critical damage": The Western press is discussing photographs of the alleged submarine "Rostov-on-Don"

«Received critical damage»: photographs of an alleged submarine are being discussed in the Western press «Rostov-on-Don»Photos are being discussed in the Western press, which allegedly show the diesel-electric submarine of the Russian fleet "Rostov-on-Don".

The submarine received critical damage- approved in Navy Recognition.

As stated in the publication, the submarine received two hits during an attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The first was recorded by Western experts allegedly in the upper bow of the submarine based on satellite images. second, allegedly, had to go on the starboard side of the ship, to the region, located behind the conning tower.

From the published photographs it is concluded that, that damage was caused to the torpedo and accommodation compartments. Wherein, as stated in the publication, unclear lesion area: if the hatches between the compartments were open, then other premises could also be damaged, including battery.

«Received critical damage»: photographs of an alleged submarine are being discussed in the Western press «Rostov-on-Don»

In this regard, long-term repair work on the submarine is predicted, which will also have to be carried out at the Admiralty Shipyards, who were engaged in the construction of such diesel-electric submarines, and the entire series of “Varshavyankas”. Based on this, it is concluded that Rostov-on-Don will be out of action until the end of the conflict..

"Rostov-on-Don» – submarine project 636.3 "Varshavyanka" displacement 2300 tons on the surface and 3040 tons in underwater. Its length is 76,2 m.

The Russian military department has not yet confirmed the authenticity of the photographs.. used photos:Navy Recognition

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