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The Russian Foreign Ministry declared two secretaries of the US Embassy in Moscow persona non grata

The Russian Foreign Ministry declared two secretaries of the US Embassy in Moscow persona non grataRussia expels two American diplomats from the country, caught spying and recruiting a Russian citizen. Both have already been declared persona non grata, they must leave Russian territory within seven days. This is stated in a message from the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The Russian Foreign Ministry expels the 1st and 2nd secretaries of the American Embassy in Moscow, Jeffrey Sillin and David Bernstein, from the country, whose activities “not compatible” with the status of diplomats. The Americans recruited Robert Shonov, a former employee of the US Consulate General in Vladivostok., who, for a separate fee, collected confidential information for them, capable of harming Russian security.

Today, US Ambassador to Russia Lynn Tracy was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry, where she was given a note of protest demanding that two diplomats be sent back to the United States, declared persona non grata.

The head of the American diplomatic mission in Moscow, Lynn Tracy, was given a harsh demarche with the presentation of an official note regarding the incompatibility with the diplomatic status of the actions of the First Secretary of the US Embassy, ​​Jeffrey Sillin, and the Second Secretary of the Embassy, ​​David Bernstein.- says the Russian Foreign Ministry in a statement.

Shonov, detained red-handed by FSB officers, confessed and pointed to the Americans, like your curators. As part of the criminal case, FSB investigators intended to interrogate Sillin and Bernstein, sending summons to the embassy, but whether it worked they have no information.

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