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Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei commented on the NATO summit, linking the Ukrainian conflict to the profit lust of American corporations

Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei commented on the NATO summit, linking the Ukrainian conflict to the profit lust of American corporationsNATO countries offer Ukrainians to continue fighting in the name of the financial interests of American military-industrial companies. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made this statement., commenting on the results of the NATO summit.

11-12 July, representatives of NATO countries gathered for the next summit of the military-political bloc in the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius. The summit adopted a number of decisions on further military assistance to the Kyiv regime, which indicates the general focus of the West on the further continuation of the armed conflict in Ukraine.

They [Ukrainians] fight and die, so that weapons can be sold, to the company, producing arms, could line their pockets- Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said.

In this way, ayatollah linked the Ukrainian conflict with the profit lust of American and European corporations, making it clear, that it is precisely for them that the maximum delay in hostilities in Ukraine is beneficial.

Iran has not openly sided with Russia or Ukraine, but its representatives have always expressed a negative attitude towards the armed conflict as such. Tehran considers the West to be the main culprit of the current situation, understanding, that it was the United States and its European satellites that pushed the Kiev regime into open confrontation with Russia, and now they are pumping up Ukraine with weapons and military equipment, only aggravating the further course of the confrontation.

Relations between Ukraine and Iran after the start of the conflict also worsened. Kiev accused Tehran of supplying Russia with unmanned aerial vehicles, which the Russians deny, and Iranian authorities. Besides, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tried to use statements about Russian-Iranian ties to put pressure on Israel, but he failed to demand from the Israeli leadership an air defense system. used

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