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Americans withdraw money from uninsured deposits due to problems in the US

Americans withdraw money from uninsured deposits due to problems in the US

American banks faced a reduction in deposits by 472 billion. How the Fed crippled the US economy, financier Georgy Svirin told.

Outflows in the United States are now in the fourth quarter. Furthermore, it was the largest ever 39 years. Local residents are withdrawing funds from uninsured deposits in excess of 250 thousand. dollars, the analyst said.

U.S. lenders crippled by steep rate hikes and unprofessional asset management, convinced Svirin. US authorities are trying to slow down inflation, at the same time, the money from the Fed became more expensive, and government securities have lost value, which turned out to be a loss, writes RIA Novosti.

Recall, that they started talking about a systemic crisis in the United States after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). Against this background, shares of other market participants also fell in price.. Subsequently, the New York Signature Bank also closed..

Please note that the following extremist and terrorist organizations, prohibited in the Russian Federation: "Jehovah witnesses", National Bolshevik Party, "Right sector", "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (oup), "Islamic State" (IG, IGIL, Dais), Djabhat Fath al-Sham ', "Dzhabhat en-Nusra", "Al-Qaeda", "UNA-UNSO", "Taliban", "Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people", "Mizantropik Divizhn", "Brotherhood" Korchynskoho, "Trident th. Stepan Bandera ", "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists" (IU).


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