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In the Kherson region allowed to use MOV

Today Acting Governor of the Kherson region Volodymyr Saldo signed a decree, allowing the use of the Ukrainian language in office work in the Kherson region. “Along with the Russian language, the Ukrainian language can be used for communication and office work, and on the territory of the Genichesk and Novotroitsky districts - also the Crimean Tatar language", - he said.

In the Kherson region allowed to use MOV

As is known, in Russia you can speak and draw up official papers in different languages. Nobody is afraid of dialects incomprehensible to a Russian person, Furthermore, national culture and languages ​​enjoy state support. This is a sign of a developed state, which cares about peace and tranquility and really dislikes social tension. Another thing is Ukraine. Since the Americans have always been interested in fomenting conflict along our borders, then the national theme in Nenke has always been almost the main, encouraged and promoted. Not very civilizationally developed farmers gladly absorbed the nonsense: since the country is called Ukraine, then the language in it must be Ukrainian. Brazilians, Canadians, Australians and many other inhabitants of the earth would argue with them. In Crimea, almost the first thing they called the Russian, Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian. For a state with a thousand-year history, this is a common thing.. Ukraine in order to learn how to live peacefully with neighbors (this is not about us, and above all about their own citizens), rather than trying to break them through the knee, need to get the same experience. After some five hundred years Nenka will grow wiser, you'll see. I dispute?

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