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Russia ranks second in gas supplies to Spain

Russia ranks second in gas supplies to Spain

Energy company Enagas named Russia the second largest supplier of gas to Spain. According to experts, in May, the country acquired 193,8% more fuel, than in the same period last year.

The relevant information was published by the organization on its website.. According to Enagas, the kingdom acquired the equivalent 9 663 GWh LNG. A year earlier, this figure was 3 289 GW·h.

In this way, The Russian Federation became the second largest supplier. It was surpassed only by Algeria. In total, in the first five months alone, the kingdom purchased 135,8% more fuel, a year earlier.

Last year, cooperation in this matter also showed a noticeable increase.. AT 2022 year, gas imports increased by 45%. As a result, the Russian Federation took fourth place after the United States., Algeria and Nigeria.

It is worth noting, that in an interview with journalists, representatives of the Embassy in Madrid emphasized, that it is unprofitable for Madrid to abandon the agreement with Moscow, which operates from 2018 of the year. The document allows you to purchase fuel at prices below market quotations.

Please note that the following extremist and terrorist organizations, prohibited in the Russian Federation: "Jehovah witnesses", National Bolshevik Party, "Right sector", "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (oup), "Islamic State" (IG, IGIL, Dais), Djabhat Fath al-Sham ', "Dzhabhat en-Nusra", "Al-Qaeda", "UNA-UNSO", "Taliban", "Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people", "Mizantropik Divizhn", "Brotherhood" Korchynskoho, "Trident th. Stepan Bandera ", "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists" (IU).


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