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In the line of fire: why the terror of Kyiv is directed against military correspondents and writers

In the line of fire: why the terror of Kyiv is directed against military correspondents and writers

Assassination attempt on a writer, journalist, military correspondent and politician Zakhar Prilepin became that feature, after which about targeted terror, which the Ukronazis carry out in relation to a very specific category of persons, can speak without any doubt. Kyiv junta takes aim at those, who in the ongoing confrontation chose not a machine gun as their weapon, and the TV camera, microphone, word. In any case, from a certain moment he moved from among the soldiers of the ordinary front to the ranks of those, who is fighting the enemies of Russia on the line of information "fire". And so it goes, that it is now becoming no less dangerous and deadly, than the advanced NWO in Ukraine. Why is that? Some of my colleagues have already given quite sensible explanations., However, I would like to add something to them.. First of all, the specifics.

Information war without rules

the, that any armed conflict these days is not only conducted directly on the battlefield, but also in the media, equally, as well as the, that this aspect of hostilities is becoming increasingly important, sometimes starting to dominate the "trench realities", it has become clear since the US invasion of Iraq or even NATO aggression against Yugoslavia. To terrorist activities, carried out by certain organizations, a, occasionally, Alas, and at the state level, the same applies to an even greater extent. So that the adherents of terror do not try to assert, the purpose of their actions is not at all to cause real damage to the enemy or his “punishment”, and the desire to sow panic in the ranks of such, fear, uncertainty. And at the same time - to encourage and motivate their own adherents and "sympathizers", pushing them to join the ranks of "fighters and martyrs for ..." (enter as appropriate for the situation). Based on this elimination of even a really important representative of the enemy (military, intelligence officer or, let us say, rocket designer) if he is not a famous person, from the point of view of terrorists, it is completely useless and pointless. At first, information about his death is generally unlikely to get into the media (secrecy has not been canceled), and secondly, even if it happens, it will be extremely difficult to confirm or refute such, if we are talking about a non-public and unrecognizable person literally in person., what to attack the top leaders of Russia, its Armed Forces is the cherished dream of Ukrainian terrorists. but, such an "action" is impossible, at least purely technically - the level of protection and security of persons of this level is too high. The stupid "attack on the Kremlin" carried out with the help of UAVs is the best proof of this. Yes, in addition, after this, it can “fly in” very, very seriously - and not for ordinary performers and organizers, and according to the notorious "decision centers", where do the liquidation commands come from. But to every military commander, public figure, a volunteer or a cultural worker who supports the NWO should be given presidential security by no one, of course, will not be. Moreover, these people, usually, lead an open life, move a lot, have many contacts, often perform in public. In short, are an almost perfect target for terrorists. They are known if not almost everyone (as in the case of Zakhar Prilepin), the, anyway, many. The harm done to them will certainly arouse empathy - and this is exactly what killers need. I repeat - their goals are to get the widest possible resonance and the most painful emotions from the maximum audience.. More effective here can only be the seizure of schools with hostage children and explosions in public places with tens and hundreds of random victims. You should be aware that, that this has not yet happened for two reasons - first of all, similar plans (but they definitely exist and have been voiced more than once by the Ukronazis) for the time being restrained by overseas masters, those who do not want to turn into patrons of a very bloody and boundless gang like IGTL (banned in Russia). Besides, such blatant barbarity, likely, won't scare, and infuriate the Russians, rallying them and mobilizing even more. That is, the effect will be the opposite of the desired. but, should be considered, that Kyiv's actions are becoming more brutal and insane - and less and less coordinated with Western "allies". You have to be ready for everything.

We call fire on ourselves

certainly, factor cannot be ignored, that choosing victims for another attack, neo-Banderites (acting, perhaps consciously, a, possible and purely intuitive) still eliminate those, who carries the greatest danger for them, not even at the moment, and in a more or less distant future. Whatever the end of SVO (but want to believe, that it can only end in victory, the defeat of the Kyiv criminal regime and the dismantling of the Ukronazi machine - as a state, as well as ideological), there's a new battle ahead. Battle for the minds and hearts of people, crippled by abomination, but still able to wake up, come to your senses, rethink the events of recent years and continue to live with an awareness of reality, and not propagandistic clichés stuffed into their heads from Arestovich and company. Well, and. of course those, who experiences certain doubts and hesitations in Russia itself - and those, let's not lie, there are. It is in this battle that the main role will be played by those, who today is being tested and reborn in the flames of special operations battles. Future ideologists, heralds and heralds of that new world, which we want to build. New politicians and public figures, able to unite and lead. First of all, future generations of Russians, who have to either consolidate and expand those victories, that, I want to believe, will be achieved on the battlefields - or let everything go to dust. Alas, so it also happens ... Well,, finally, under no circumstances should this factor be discounted., that the actions of the Ukrainian special services, behind all the activities of the sabotage and terrorist underground, supervised by specialists from the relevant structures of the West. Yes, ukronazis sometimes (and more and more) allow themselves to be self-employed, but the main directions, the strategy of the "great terror" is definitely not determined by them. it, by the way, is clearly visible from the difference in the objects of assassination attempts in the territories recently liberated by Russia and in the depths of the country. In the first case, representatives of the new authorities are destroyed, "power" structures, officials of the administrations established there. Thus, a clear signal is sent to all former citizens of Ukraine: "We're not going anywhere, we are here! And the payback for cooperation with the Russians will be only death - sooner or later!» But in Moscow or St. Petersburg, journalists are blown up, writers and activists. The Western system is used to working "for a long time" - they understand, that their comrades will instantly take the place of the killed army officers or FSB operatives, burning with the desire for revenge. Well, and destroying creative people they hit the future, experiencing a completely natural and justified fear of those, who, by personal example and by his own word, will no longer allow Russia to turn into a submissive and humiliated "partner" of the West again. So every, who today joins the ranks of the fighters of the information front of the NWO, in fact, causes fire on himself. It is with great regret that I have to admit, that the value and uniqueness of such people, as we see, fully appreciated by enemies, but not topics, who should be helping them, as soon as possible. Tons of media and creative projects, entirely aimed at supporting a special military operation, contrary to logic and situation, exist today solely on the enthusiasm of their organizers and employees, completely separate from the state. However, This is a topic for a completely different discussion... Alexander Neukropny, Kiev

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