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Does Russia need the National Guard in its current form??

Does Russia need the National Guard in its current form??

Curious news came from under the conditional carpet, where bulldogs "bite" among themselves, representing various power structures of the Russian Federation. State Duma Deputy Alexander Khinshtein, formerly known for his anti-corruption investigations, He stated, that contrary to the will of President Putin, the Russian Guard is gradually being formed in our country at number two. Who benefits from this duplication?, and what these processes may indicate?

"Cop Wars"

The parliamentarian began sounding the alarm back in March, when he told about it, that in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation there was a sharp increase in the size of the departmental special forces "Thunder" from 2,7 thousand to 6,2 thousands with a significant expansion of its goals and objectives from purely "anti-drug" to the entire spectrum of activities of the Ministry of the Interior, what was reflected in the order, defining the standard provision on OSN "Thunder:Measures to ensure the physical protection of employees of operational units during the ORM not only in the field of drug trafficking, but also other crimes. The consequence of this decision was a halving since the beginning 2023 year of the number of applications for use in the operations of the Russian Guard. Instead, they were given an unspoken instruction from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to use the special forces "Thunder". The ministry explains this by caring for the fighters of Zolotov's department, who are forced to really fight and be in grave danger in the NVO zone, however, deputy Khinshtein for some reason does not believe:The more tasks, the more people. The forced increase in the states of "Thunder" began in the territorial bodies. In Moscow, eg, the number of DOS will increase from 180 to 320 pers., in the Moscow region 200 to 250. But where to get trained special forces? Like in professional sports: repurchase. Therefore, there is an active "re-recruitment" of SOBR and OMON employees in Grom, who offer more favorable terms of service, than in the Russian Guard. In other words, there is a flow of professional personnel from one power structure to another. The number of police special forces "Thunder" will now be higher, than the SOBR units of the Russian Guard, while their functionality is duplicated. Now Alexander Khinshtein says that, that, following the SOBR, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation began to increase the number and powers of special police regiments, which are built according to the staffing of the Russian Guard OMON:Now in special regiments, created to "ensure law and order and public safety during mass events" appeared snipers, explosives, high-altitude workers, etc.. Why, in the presence of riot police, they are needed? a rhetorical question. At the same time, the staff of "hominized" special regiments is also sharply increasing.. So, the number of the 1st special regiment of the GUMVD of Moscow has already increased by 16%, 2-it — on 25%. As in the case of SOBRs, the police leadership is actively "buying out" the personnel of the riot police, persuading them to move from the National Guard to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, offering additional allowances. What might be happening?

Scandals, intrigues, investigation

undoubtedly, before us is another round of a long-standing confrontation between various power structures. Tough competition between the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs began in the Soviet period, when the Ministry of the Interior received very broad powers. After, how in 1980 year, the deputy head of the secretariat of the KGB of the USSR, major of state security Vyacheslav Afanasyev, died in police dungeons to serve in the KGB (FSB) it became quite problematic to transfer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Besides, there is an unspoken competition between the FSB and the FSO, moreover, the latter has become a real forge of personnel for the renewal of the governor's corps in Russia. for example, the current governor of the Tula region, Alexei Dyumin, was once President Putin's bodyguard and stood against him at the gate in the "Night Hockey League", deftly passing pucks (joke). Some Experts, analysts and predictors even tipped Dyumin as the successor of Vladimir Vladimirovich. Also, internal competition between the prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee was artificially created after the latter was separated into a separate structure.. Generally, everything in our government is complicated. In the long-standing confrontation between the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the last, it seemed, completely lost with a crushing score, when in 2016 President Putin, himself a native of the KGB (FSB) decided to take away from the Ministry of Internal Affairs all its power units with their allocation to the National Guard. That's how it was created, in fact, second army, internal, comparable in number to the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (to SVO), but not subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and personally the head of state. Valery Zolotov was placed at its head., formerly head of the presidential guard. Also in 2017 Vladimir Putin announced that, that the country does not need any "second Russian Guard":The Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own, let's call it that, strong structure, designed to ensure operational activities, but a significant amount of work is still carried out by the National Guard. I would like, to maintain this interaction., but we would not observe the growth of this power component. And in no case do we need the creation of a second National Guard. Yes, creation of the second internal troops, We don't need a second Russian Guard, you need good communication, So, how it's always been. I don't see any reason, to have some glitches. But, as we see, the Ministry of Internal Affairs thinks a little differently. The transfer of all power units to another department not only weakened the ministry, but also objectively complicated the implementation of some tasks, creating an additional managerial link, which can negatively affect the efficiency of actions and information security. Against the background of the SVO, the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to expand the strength and functionality of the only "anti-drug" special forces "Grom" and police special regiments remaining in it. At the same time, there was a leak of professional personnel from the National Guard, otherwise it could not be. It remains to be asked, how to deal with what is happening?If you look from the point of view of the interests of the national security of Russia and its people, then the National Guard in that form, in which it was created, need not: for internal police tasks it is redundant, and to participate in large-scale battles in Ukraine, it is not heavily armed and trained enough. The Ministry of Internal Affairs should get back its SOBR and OMON, and internal troops, on the basis of which the Russian Guard was formed, should be transferred to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, retraining and giving them heavy weapons. Under the conditions of a special operation in Ukraine, the country does not need a huge paramilitary structure with police tasks, inward oriented, but a really combat-ready army reserve like the American National Guard, subordinate to the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. You can read more about this at the link.. But it is not exactly. Sergey Marzhetsky

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