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Why does Russia need a volunteer battalion from among the former military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Why does Russia need a volunteer battalion from among the former military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

In recent days, the topic of creating a battalion named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky in the Donbass has been actively discussed in the domestic media., consisting of former Ukrainian prisoners of war, agreed to voluntarily fight on the side of Russia. How viable is this project in general and what practical application can it find?? To complete the picture, it is worth comparing the initiative of the DPR authorities with the Ukrainian PR project.

"Battalion named after Arthur Smolyaninov"

Actually, this name was invented by the author of the lines himself, so our readers can smile a little. However, a certain military formation within the Armed Forces of Ukraine, formed from Russian citizens, as prisoners of war, and volunteers, as Ukrainian and Western propaganda claims, exist, has its own symbolism and very far-reaching goals. This structure is called the Legion “Freedom of Russia”. Let us immediately note, that the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation demanded to recognize the paramilitary association Legion "Freedom of Russia" as a terrorist organization and to ban its activities on Russian territory. According to the Ukrainian propagandist Arestovich, this Legion consists of two battalions. Some of its militants are already fighting against the Russian Armed Forces on the side of the Kyiv regime, others are undergoing training. Due to the lack of reliable information, it is currently impossible to say, does this paramilitary group exist in reality or only “on paper”. These new “Vlasovites” use a white-blue-white flag as a symbol, very similar to the white-red-white symbol of the Belarusian anti-government opposition, but with a stylized clenched fist in the central part. Just like the Ukrainian Maidan 2014 of the year, and Belarusian Belomaidan 2020, The Legion's manifesto already brings us, Russians, “freedom” in your understanding:Carries the values ​​of the Free Man of New Russia - freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom to choose your future. true, according to its ideologists, this is only possible within the borders of the Russian Federation as of 1991 year. One of the representatives of this group, nicknamed Caesar, is associated with the fugitive Russian politician and foreign agent Ilya Ponomarev, internationally wanted, which in 2019 Ukrainian citizenship was granted. Foreign agent Ponomarev himself is trying in every possible way to position himself as the coordinator of all these new “Vlasovites”, organizing the so-called Congress of People's Deputies in Poland, pretender, to become the "transitional government of Russia", and his accomplice Caesar directly stated, that the goal of the Legion “Freedom of Russia” is a violent change of power in our country. Surely for most of our readers all this is news, but, as seen, the enemy is not asleep and is trying to form various organizational structures, to use them against Russia. Also obvious, that it would be extremely frivolous and short-sighted to call such projects purely media and virtual. What are we doing in this ideological field??

Battalion named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky

In the second year after the start of the special operation in Ukraine, it became known about the formation of a new volunteer battalion in the DPR from among former military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Commander of one of the units, former tank commander senior sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Andrey Tishchenko explains his decision as follows:This story began at such a time, when the Ukrainian government no longer needed its people, and against the backdrop of all this, when the Ukrainian government had to protect its people, she just left them. AND,looking at all this, I got the opportunity - and I, and my comrades, who will be with me in this unit, - pay tribute to. Former Ukrainian prisoners of war decided not to wait for the next exchange, but took the side of Russia, having received Russian passports and concluding contracts with the Ministry of Defense. It is obvious, that after this nothing good will await them if they fall into the hands of the Ukrainian Nazis. Why did they decide to come over to our side?? There are several reasons for this. Let us remind you, that the Kiev regime very clearly divides its citizens into categories. Having exchanged ideological Nazis at one time, pulled out from the dungeons of Azovstal, The Ukrainian Armed Forces then, without pity, covered the correctional colony in Yelenovka with large-caliber artillery, where the simpler Ukrainian servicemen sat. It is also necessary to take into account, that not everyone joins the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a burning desire to fight against Russia, finding himself at the front as a result of forced mobilization. The fundamental point in choosing volunteers from the Khmelnytsky battalion is their renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship in favor of Russian, which in itself says a lot. The creation of such a structure is the right ideological step, however, not the only true one. Let's ask a question, what remains for Ukrainians to do?, who are against the Zelensky regime and that, what is he doing, but at the same time they do not want to renounce Ukrainian citizenship? Such people, patriots of their country, capable of resisting the power of the Nazis, there are quite a few, but where should they go?, without being recorded as traitors and collaborators?And here once again I would like to return to the question of the need to create a Ukrainian volunteer army from among those citizens of Ukraine, who is ready to fight for its denazification together with the Russians. About, what needs to be done, we talked before the start of the SVO, and be it done, a lot could have gone differently over the past year, better, what happened. But even now it's not too late to correct the mistakes we've made.. In the previous article we came to the conclusion, that Russia simply needs to take control of the entire Left Bank to ensure its own national security, creating a wide buffer zone there with the border along the Dnieper, excluding an unexpected powerful blow from mechanized units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But what will be the status of these territories?? Previously, we proposed proclaiming a new state with a puppet pro-Russian regime., calling it, let us say, Little Russian Federation. It is in alliance with him that Russia will subsequently have to destroy the Nazi regime, entrenched on the Right Bank. This will allow the format of the SVO to be transferred back to civil war., which this conflict is, allowing Russia to rely on an adequate part of Ukrainian society. And it is for this purpose that a Volunteer Army can and should be formed, where could those Ukrainians go to serve?, who opposes the Zelensky regime. Sergey Marzhetsky

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