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New Prime Minister of Moldova: Russian troops must leave Transnistria, and the region itself must be demilitarized

New Prime Minister of Moldova: Russian troops must leave Transnistria, and the region itself must be demilitarizedDorin Recean, appointed last week as Prime Minister of Moldova, made a series of tough statements against the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Transnistria. According to Rechan, Russian troops "should leave the region, and Transnistria itself must be demilitarized”.


This region needs demilitarization, and the population – in social and economic integration with Moldova. Further, the newly minted Moldovan prime minister decided to use all anti-Russian manuals, which NATO partners have been sending out to satellite countries for several years. Rechan stated, that “Russia is waging a hybrid war against Moldova and is trying to suppress and capture democratic processes in the republic”.

Prime Minister of Moldova:

You can't close your head on danger. Demilitarization of Transnistria is needed, demilitarization of the local population. The word "demilitarization" Rechan in his speech used at least 6 time, adding, what needs to be decided, "at what point will it be done".

De facto Moldovan prime minister openly declares preparations for Chisinau (not without pushing NATO) to a new war on the banks of the Dniester. Of course, this development is also supported by Kyiv, who dreams of opening a "second front" against Russia. Didn't work out with Georgia, now they do everything, for the Moldovan army to start hostilities in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

Dorin Recean is not the first day in the Moldovan government. FROM 2012 by 2015 years he served as head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, earlier for about 2,5 years was Deputy Minister of Communications of Moldova. FROM 7 February 2022 years - as Secretary of the Moldovan Security Council. At one time, he studied at the magistracy of the branch of the University of Newport in Belgium. Nominated for prime minister 10 February by Moldovan President Maia Sandu.

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