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The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine called the terms for maintaining the threat of an offensive by the Russian group from Belarus

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine called the terms for maintaining the threat of an offensive by the Russian group from BelarusThe General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine does not currently see preparations for a possible offensive by Russian troops from the territory of Belarus, but such a threat exists and will persist for a long time. This was stated by Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexei Gromov.

Gromov urged to be ready to repel an attack from the northern direction at any time, potential threat will persist throughout the year. The thing is, that Russia not only does not intend to withdraw its group from Belarusian territory, but it keeps growing. And it is useless to accuse Moscow of preparing for an attack., on 2023 Russia and Belarus have planned a series of military exercises on the territory of the republic, some of them are large.

In particular, during this year, exercises will be held at the training grounds of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus “Union Shield 2023”, and “west – 2023” instead of teachings “Center-2023”. Both of these exercises are quite large-scale and the forces for their implementation will be brought up by the corresponding. The Ukrainian General Staff does not rule out, that as part of one of these exercises, a grouping will be deployed, which will hit Kyiv or towards the western regions.

Based on the above, throughout the year, the potential threat of an offensive by the RF Armed Forces from the territory of Belarus will remain. At present, there are no measures to form a strike force by the enemy to resume the offensive from the territory of Belarus.- Gromov said.

Meanwhile, preparations for a potential invasion of the Russian army from Belarus in Ukraine continue., as already reported “military Review” in one of his news articles, in the border areas, lines of defense are being created to deter the offensive. Earlier, the General Staff announced, that forces and means, concentrated on the Ukrainian border, enough not only to repel a possible attack, but also for the counteroffensive.

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